
The Supreme Court was divided 6 to 3 along partisan lines not only in Monday’s decision on Donald Trump’s immunity and the three cases on agency power, but also in a run of major cases on homelessness, voting rights, guns and public corruption. Here’s what to know.
In a Volatile Term, a Fractured Supreme Court Remade Amid signs of dysfunction and disarray, Chief Justice John Roberts reasserted his authority, while the influence of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito waned.
6-3 is not a fracture. It's a power grab.
The power of Alito and Thomas waned? Are you fucking kidding me? Don’t quit your day job of pushing puzzles.
This case and its ramifications need to be front page news for the next several weeks. The lawless, corrupt, power grabbing Supreme Court is on the ballot this November, and Americans need to understand that. We're all quite aware that Joe Biden is old. SCOTUS and Trump are the real problems.
The Supreme Court belongs to the Republicans. Most of its judges are reactionary and conservative...and ....
They are NOT “conservative”; they are extremist
hey, finally giving the people what they want; news about something other than Biden so old
Hey, I know it's not Biden Is Old, but how far deep are you going to bury this?
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
They still haven't written about Trump saying he'll be dictator, or admitting he's conspiring with Putin to hold a journalist hostage to use as a campaign tool or that he's endorsing having military tribunals on live TV against his political enemies. But we got Nate Silver's anti-Biden take.
I think the question now is what is considered 'official'? The opinion just mirrors the existing protocol for civil cases. It will be interesting to see what the lower court determines to be official. The opinion does speak to individual will versus official acts, but still to vague.
Vague enough to tell Biden he’s overstepping, and give Trump a billion passes.
Just a thought. The President is to uphold and defend the constitution. If the current Pres sees a clear threat to the constitution then he now clearly has the obligation to eliminate that threat. If I understand that. Therefore he can eliminate this pox with no consequences.
The supreme Court belongs to the ppl they think their jobs are for life but we ,We the ppl decide if they keep them vote blue
Framing far-right overreach as a soap opera is so you, NYT.
что они уже вам это все завалили? А виноват Байден?
На ближайшие три года США — центр летнего международного футбола. Сначала Копа Америка-2024, потом дебютный клубный чемпионат мира, и главное — ЧМ-2026, который также примут Канада и Мексика, но ядром турнира станут именно США. Поэтому внимание к национальной сборной в США сейчас очень большое.
А на Кубке Америки 2024 ( вы сами как Байден или он это и пародирует?
мы жили когда то иначе. и рейтинги были зачем не сказали? надоели комитеты и опросы( комитет ненужных вещей. Зачем столько работать делая ненужные вещи? разоряться самому и страны, истребляя леса? что вещи иные надо. новая мода. и минимум считали как орбитальную корзину, а не денег минимум еда
а как КУБОК АМЕРИКИ — 2024?
As if you give a fat rat's ass. You've been screwing over We The People with your both sides reporting B.S.
The Supreme Court says the consitution doesn't apply anymore and we have an absolute monarch, all because they want a madman who attempted a coup as president, but is too busy paying columnists by the word to write as many "Biden is old" articles as possible.