
Imagine if some media outlets spent just half the time they spend talking about Biden being old as they did informing the public about Trump’s Project 2025.
They are doing and the US is beginning to melt down.
Can't wait for your next 129,785,442,905,671 articles about what might happen if Biden drops out.
I'm blocking them because all they write/post is one sided drivel anymore.
Trump hasn’t talked about the media like NYT being the enemy of the people in quite some time. But if he’s elected he’s going to immediately switch right back to that, and journalists will start getting death threats again. TBH I’m not sure if I’ll be sympathetic to them this time though.
What's up with The NYT not covering this story either. All they do now is regurgitate "sleepy Joe" narratives. Now why would a MAJOR Corporate News source ignore threats of violence and over throwing the constitution as well as the rule of law? What could possibly motivate them to do that?🤔
When is The New York Times going to start talking about Project 2025? It's the biggest breaking news in America right now and the NYT is mum? What's up with that?
Privileged white men with too much pride will be the death of us.
"NYT: New evidence shows the Trump campaign was raping everyone in sight, and illegally concealing the settlement payments. For the good of the country, Biden must drop out." You have lost your minds. And your credibility. I never thought I would despise the New York Times...
Speaking of #faith. 100s of billions $ are donated to seditionists, traitors, liars, rapists, neo-Nazis and murderers. Why not invest > support> donate to saving architecturally significant former churches and breathe new life.. #Realityshow
и запретить судом Дональду оскорблять Байдена( за каждое оскорбление тоже срок.
и ещё мне кажется что это Байденам надо по решению сюда просить чтобы Трампа не подпускали к нему ближе 3 км и о своей неприкосновенности, если тебя преследует такой же президент .. экс или нет( тоже не очень всем ясно.
но женщины, что комментировали его выступления, бесят как и я вас, видимо. что дай и я свою "мордочку вставлю" в кадрики чтобы стать на фоне Байдена или какого любого лидера популярнее( так учили Советский союз.
Все же отлично( и этот канал может пример как надо делать? и СНН подставили?