Every Breath πŸŒˆπŸŒŠπŸ˜ΊπŸ’™

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Every Breath πŸŒˆπŸŒŠπŸ˜ΊπŸ’™


Philly Sports, COPD, animal lover, cat mom, Retired, Believer in compassion for all living things, BOOKS, MUSIC, VOTE BLUEπŸ’™ RESIST! Liberal! Age is just a number She/Her 🚫PORN
youtu.be/vbMTSxo52AQ?... Everyone needs to take a few minutes and listen to this video!!
Trump-Aligned Group May Start Attacking Government Workers By Nameyoutu.be A conservative group that is backing Donald Trump and being funded, in part, by Project 2025 at The Heritage Foundation announced last week that they are "declaring war on the deep state" following reports that they were compiling lists of federal workers that do not support Donald Trump. This has led to an increased since of fear that the group will soon start naming these employees that they've identified by name, which could then lead to violence against them. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening. Link - https://www.rawstory.com/trump-project-2025-2668649429/ Check out our merch by visiting our store: https://www.buyrof.com/ Subscribe to our podcast: http://www.ROFPodcast.com Become a member today!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYWIEbibRcZav6xMLo9qWWw/join Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!: https://www.patreon.com/TheRingofFire Spread the word! LIKE and SHARE this video or leave a comment to help direct attention to the stories that matter. And SUBSCRIBE to stay connected with Ring of Fire's video content! Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/theringoffire Be sociable! Follow us on: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RingofFireRadio Twitter: https://twitter.com/RingofFireMedia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ringoffirenetwork/ *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. A right wing group known as the American Accountability Foundation. The A a F, which I had talked about a little bit in a segment last week, announced last week after that segment of course, that they were going to quote, uh, well, they said, we are declaring war on the deep state. Now, the a a f is being partially funded, at least by the Heritage Foundation, which of course is the group behind Project 2025, which is the plan to replace every single person working in the federal government with Donald Trump's loyalists. The a a f also obviously supports Donald Trump, but their decision to go to war with civil servants here in the United States is absolutely horrifying. And to be perfectly honest, in insane, because they didn't just say they were going to war with the deep state, which of course isn't a thing. They also said that they were going to quote, name and shame name and shame the people that they believe are not loyal to Donald Trump. Here's what the Guardian reported about this group. The group behind the list, the list of federal employees, which of course I had talked about in a, a segment on Ring of Fire last week. They're picking out people that they think are not loyal to Donald Trump. But anyway, the group behind the list is the American Accountability Foundation, which was founded in 2020 and describes its mission as working nonstop to expose the left secrets and hold Biden accountable. A A A F is moving past blocking President Joe Biden's political appointments to harass civil servants with a plan to publish dossiers on those non-public facing individuals, starting with the Department of Homeland Security and expose them to scrutiny. Now, why does the average staffer at the Department of Homeland Security or the Department of Justice, right, just the average everyday non-politically appointed paper pushers, no offense, why do those people need to be put into dossiers? Why do you need to publish lists and name and shame these people for anything other than making them the targets of the MAGA movement? This is going to get people killed there, there is no way around that. If you were to publish a list today, a list of names, possibly even addresses where they work of people who do not support Donald Trump, they would immediately be hit with death threats immediately, possibly worse. 'cause we've already seen worse. We've seen it happen with judges. We have seen it happen with court employees. We have seen it happen with prosecutors. We have seen it happen with witnesses against Donald Trump. Anyone who gets publicly listed as somebody that doesn't blindly Support Donald Trump, their life is immediately in danger. And that is what this group is essentially saying. We're gonna do it, we're gonna do it. If you don't think this is insane, if you don't think this is a, a horrifying portrait of what the United States is going to become, then I don't know what to tell you anymore because nobody will be safe. And I mean that nobody, it doesn't matter if you have a MAGA hat or not. Eventually they'll go, uh, run outta other people to go after and they will come after you, right? First they came. We know that saying, and eventually it will be you. Maybe not at first, but somewhere down the line, they'll come after you two. So everybody should be afraid of this. This is not hyperbole, this is not some far off thing that was only discussed in the back alleys.
Still makes me cry… Beautiful video, works perfectly well with the song. I don’t know anyone who wasn’t affected by the loss of John Lennon πŸ˜”
This #FourthOfJuly, know the difference between nationalism and patriotism. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈPatriotism encompasses devotion to the country as a whole – including all the people who live within it πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈNationalism refers to devotion to only one group or people over others.
What is the difference between nationalism and patriotism?theconversation.com Nationalism and patriotism are sometimes treated as synonyms, but they have very different meanings.
Imagine if some media outlets spent just half the time they spend talking about Biden being old as they did informing the public about Trump’s Project 2025.
What's up with The NYT not covering this story either. All they do now is regurgitate "sleepy Joe" narratives. Now why would a MAJOR Corporate News source ignore threats of violence and over throwing the constitution as well as the rule of law? What could possibly motivate them to do that?πŸ€”
When is The New York Times going to start talking about Project 2025? It's the biggest breaking news in America right now and the NYT is mum? What's up with that?
Biden: I’m keeping the damned car keys and I’ll fight anyone who tries to take them away!
Ha this is great! I was making a list yesterday too of parts of the Constitution the Roberts Taney II Court had rewritten. @ryanlcooper.com and I on the same wavelength. Happy Fourth! Go, fight, let’s win in Nov.
Happy Fourth! As a public service, @ryanlcooper will help you update your Constitution by showing you all of the various sections that the Supreme Court has rendered inoperative.
The Supreme Court Has Murdered the Constitutionprospect.org America’s founding document is now an all-but-meaningless scrap of paper. Happy Fourth!
Our friends are suing their church bc one of the youth pastors was hitting on their teenage daughter (lots of evidence). The friends are being represented by an attorney that pretty much only does this kind of case. How prevalent is it when you can build your entire career around the issue?
What the fuck's Starmer/Labour gonna do: station bathroom cops outside every women's public toilet to check the genitals of those entering? Bullshit! Besides, Starmer's wrong and as a fucking lawyer he should KNOW that! STOP PANDERING TO THE BILLIONAIRE WITH THE WEIRD OBSESSION WITH GENITALS FFS!
I’m losing human rights Ned
Thanks Guillermo πŸ’›
I miss... Can I help you? With a pulse. #Bekind
I am getting closer to leaving X behind! It's now even more toxic and dismissive!
Don't listen to the media! It's their job to stir mud and make conflicts happen. Remember, Biden raised 24 million right after the debate! That should tell you everything you need to know. BACK BIDEN!!