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I do important research which means I get paid for not knowing what I'm doing, I say walla walla bing bang far too much, my car owns me, and my super power is sarcasm and cynicism.."sarcasticism"🤣🫠😂
If I were to win the lotto the first thing I'd do is roll up the fattest blunt I can currently afford, eat a large pizza, and go straight to bed. Acid reflux be damned it would be the best nap ever 😂. Wake up ready to never work a day in my life again. Ah..the dream.
I take month long breaks from reading the news and politics solely for my mental health. For me, it worked. I dunno where I was going with that. Take what you will from that 😂
Morning ladies and gents, haven't been on a while cause adulting blows but it's Friday so here I am!
Reposted byAvatar Kenny
Reposted byAvatar Kenny
Behold - the creation of a Dark Age. The cool thing about modernity is that it happens much much faster than it did in medieval period. If you aren't careful thousands of years from now idiots will be saying we never thought or wrote.
so instead of meeting my writing deadlines I'm archiving the thousands of stories I've written for Motherboard over the years because Vice was run into the ground by by a bunch of failson trust fund brunchlords who are now rumored to be on the cusp of deleting everything
Karl Everything with the topic 'Karl Bode' on VICE
Saw this online and felt the message so hard. Words I live by for sure. Happy Friday motherfuckers!
Reposted byAvatar Kenny
We provide an official list of hardware requirements based on current generation devices: These are the current hardware features we consider important enough to be listed as mandatory requirements. They're all current features, not planned/future ones.
GrapheneOS Frequently Asked Answers to frequently asked questions about GrapheneOS.
Whoever buys that orange treasonous traitor's shoes, which by the way are as beautiful as a hemorrhoid in the sun, are just losers supporting a loser. Also apparently I'm an expert at being banned on Reddit for voicing my disdain for Trump and his cult of assholes and I'm okay with that. 😂
Reposted byAvatar Kenny
I wanted to get an F1 shirt and hat the other day until I realized I could feed my family for a few days for this same amount of money soooo should see my new shirt and hat 😂 🥳.
Reposted byAvatar Kenny
Gun laws. For fucks sake. Gun laws. We need them yesterday. That would be a great start to 2024. Then we can tackle the other litany of failed policies including allowing an orange diaper wearing traitorous fascist to parade around the place like it's all good to be the king of bullshit. Just saying
Reposted byAvatar Kenny
So I got Baldurs Gate 3...and apparently there goes my free time. 😔 😂.
I'm kind of glad that nowadays you can kind of sort out the trash people because of a shirt, tattoo, bumper sticker, flag, etc that they proudly display. I'm talking to you MAGA domestic terrorists, confederate losers, etc.
Boobies and booty. Love 'em. That is all. Carry on my wayward souls 😂.
Smoke one and watch it all burn 😂
Roses are red, Violets are blue, The Republic’s collapsing, But what can you do?
When I was in Vegas the other day I stopped by the McLaren store (yes there's a "store") they had this epic simulator there and the moral of the story is I couldn't afford either 😭 😂😂. No car or car simulator 😂.
In the recent light of the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie I present you...Wolver..pug lol. Yes I have pugs and yes I am a Marvel fan. It happens. You're welcome 😁 😂
"Those who do not seek the light of knowledge are doomed to die in the darkness of ignorance" Listening to an audiobook this was a line I especially liked. Stay frosty my friends. #truth
This subscription based model that is applied to pretty much everything nowadays blows.
Random thought: Car That's it. It just sucks.
I think it's about time to start work right?! 😂 It's only lunchtime...and I've been here since 8...sigh...such is life. Have a great one ladies and gents!
Reposted byAvatar Kenny