
I'm sorry but the amount of weird fan fiction I'm seeing from people who should know better about Harris is getting close to Michael Avenatti levels and that should give everyone pause
You almost certainly don’t want to ask Kendrick what he thinks of the former CA Attorney General
Harris is really the only option we have to replace Biden, but that doesn't mean we nave to do this, nor does it mean that all the enthusiastic support you see for her now won't quickly dry up if she becomes the nominee, and we need to be realistic about that
the NYT, WaPo, WSJ, networks: facing deep concerns of her disloyalty, inexperience and gender, light-skinned Indo-Afro-Jamaican-American Kamala ("it's pronounced comma-la," she scolds) Harris struggles to fill the giant shoes of the beloved mentor and father figure she forced out of the job he loved
Don't forget she doesn't use Bluetooth earbuds