The Volatile Mermaid

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The Volatile Mermaid

~* Jewish American Disney Princess *~

I’m from N-E-W Jerz
A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
“Mom, tell me about 2024.” Well, honey, people were concerned about a man’s age so we let Nazis take over.
Celebrating our independence from a monarchy while on the brink of a dictatorship feels unsettling. Like when you get a birthday reminder on Facebook for one of your friends who’s dead.
Imagine being offended by rainbows and then voting for the public handjob lady.
Nobody is trying to turn your kids gay, but people are trying to turn your kids Nazi.
Celebrate Mother’s Day by supporting people’s right to choose whether or not to be mothers.
Super jealous of caterpillars because they can just nap undisturbed until they’re prettier.
(to the tune of Cruella De Vil) 🎵 Kuh-risty Nuh-oem Kuh-risty Nuh-oem She’d rather kill puppies than find them a home 🎵
Mike Huckabee’s son hanged a dog. Sarah Palin’s son stood on one. Tomi Lahren kicks hers. Mitt Romney drove with his on the roof of his car. Ted Cruz abandoned his. Kristi Noem shot hers. In conclusion, Republicans are a bunch of dog-hating sociopaths.
Motion to start calling Kristi Noem “Cruella Dakota.”
TGIF is such a great thing to say on Friday to your coworkers because it’s really just a subtle way of saying “I’m so happy I don’t have to talk to any of you for the next 2 days” but you can’t get in trouble for it.
[invoking a dark spirit with my best lady friends] Him: What are you up to? Me: Just girl time.
Celebrate Earth Day by getting hotter and more terrible.
Maybe if we start calling it Unborn Baby Earth instead of Mother Earth republicans will be more concerned with its well-being.
My neighbors who constantly let their little dog shit on my lawn and don’t pick it up just put up a Trump sign. Bad news for them because my dog is massive.
Republicans: 4/20 should be a national holiday! Us: Huh? We thought you guys were ANTI- marijuana. Republicans: [writing out birthday cards to Hitler] What the hell is marijuana?
But if we hold one rich white man accountable for his actions, what’s next?! Holding SOME rich white men accountable for their actions?! It’s a slippery slope.
imagining being a kid and my parents being like "you can either watch this cg movie about intergenerational trauma that will make us cry or "Fartzo The Cowboy Butt Who Explodes." it would be no contest and yet the marketplace is mostly devoid of Fartzos the children yearn for chaos
Trump’s trial starting on tax day feels a little on the nose.
Friend: Wanna meet up later for some beers? Me, a recovering alcoholic who loves Disney: 🎵 We don’t talk about brew, no no no 🎵
Find yourself a man who loves you like Jeffrey loves Ina Garten.
There is no comprise on abortion. Get that through your head. Either you believe in the right to choose or you don’t.
No thanks, solar eclipse. If I want to watch something usually warm and bright be overcome with darkness, I’ll look in the mirror during the workday.
Just had to answer a survey question “Are you a homeowner?" and I thought "Lol if I were a cat I'd be a hoMEOWner" so obviously the answer is no.
It’s never too late to pursue your dreams. Write that novel. Run that marathon. Climb that mountain. Cast that spell. Befriend that wolf. Meet its pack. Earn their trust. Train them to do your bidding. Embrace your new life as the forrest Wolf Witch.
My favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard and my favorite Easter movie is Dye Hardboiled Eggs.
For Passover in Wakanda, T’Challa changes his name to T’Matzo. Thank you.
God: What the hell is this, you fool? I said my son would be a RABBI! Angel who created the Easter Bunny: Oh shit my bad.
If the Easter Bunny were female, Republicans would try to charge her with murder for giving away her eggs.