Em 🐁

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Em 🐁


She/her. 30-something millennial. Adam Driver/Reylo + shibas. A bunch of possums in a trenchcoat. More than slightly feral. Fic writer now? Fuck AI.

Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
UPDATE: what is dark within me, illumine 😈 Ch. 8: Named of Lamentation Loud A #Reylo divine rom-comedy art by @cndcrd “You are not coming with me on a date.” “Yes, I am!” “No way in hell!” Rey held a finger up in his face. “Pun fucking intended!” Link ⬇️:
UPDATE: what is dark within me, illumine 😈 Ch. 8: Named of Lamentation Loud A #Reylo divine rom-comedy art by @cndcrd “You are not coming with me on a date.” “Yes, I am!” “No way in hell!” Rey held a finger up in his face. “Pun fucking intended!” Link ⬇️:
UPDATE: what is dark within me, illumine 😈 Ch. 7: Rosy Revelations “What are you, a lawyer?” Ben opened his mouth, paused, and shut it again before rubbing his chin pensively. “Maybe I should be…” Also: look at the gorgeous new art by @cndcrd.bsky.social! Link ⬇️:
COMPLETE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_  Ch. 14: The Moon & the Stars “My grumpy Shadow,” Rey purred, her voice golden and thick like honey, still laced with the lingering traces of sleep. “Still not a morning person?” Link ⬇️:
Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
"It's like you're carved out of marble." #AdamDriver
For #reyloww, from the final chapter of ‘a shade of night, a wound of light’ 🌌:
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
There's a REASON Star Wars holds the place it does in modern culture, and it's not because it's mental fast food. It's because the mythology speaks to our subconscious and we RECOGNIZE what is true about it, even when packaged imperfectly with stilted dialogue and cutesy robots.
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_  Ch. 13: Night’s Bride “I want to devour you. Let me savor the last dregs of your limits. Let me taste the urgence of your mortality on my tongue.” Link ⬇️:
For #reyloww, a sneak peek of chapter 13 of ‘a shade of night, a wound of light’ 🌌: Y’all chose the “starlight” option (via Twitter poll), and, well… I did say this next chapter was trippy.
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @afterblossom.bsky.social Ch. 12: The Boon When she paused in the middle at the dip above the bow, he pursed his lips—and pressed them to the pad of her thumb. “Kiss?” Ren whispered. Link ⬇️:
For #reyloww, from chapter 12 of ‘a shade of night, a wound of light’ 🌌: They’re finally alone together. #reylo #reylofic
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
You know before TLJ sunk its teeth into me I use to primarily draw stupid memes but I would make them furry. really nothing has changed. #reylo
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_ Ch. 11: The Wedding “I know you,” Rey whispered, her brows knitting together. Something about his shape, his size—she knew him. The part with the art that inspired it all. Link ⬇️:
From chapter 11 of ‘a shade of night, a wound of light’ 🌌: We’ve reached the main event - and the @afterblossom.bsky.social art that inspired it all. #reylo #reylofic #reyloww
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
BONUS UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_ Ch. 10: The Night Lord Wakes His eyes snapped open, and he convulsed atop the enormous bed in his palace— Because he was screaming. And he could hear it. Link ⬇️:
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_ Ch. 9: The Proposal “What?” Rey paled and stepped forward into the light. She could hardly believe it. “I—I’m going to get to leave from here?” Link ⬇️:
Okay, fine. FINE. You caught me. I'm also working on editing my demon fic, 'what is dark within me, illumine 😈' The original first 6 chapters are still up on AO3, but I'll announce once I've edited them - and when I finally release chapter 7 in a few weeks. #reyloww
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
From chapter 9 of ‘a shade of night, a wound of light’ 🌌 for #reyloww:
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
I had a rough weekend and needed something happy, so I launched a thing I’ve been thinking about for some time: the every versionverse ☕️ I don’t know when I’ll release additional content, but I would guess sometime this year. Subscribe for alerts! archiveofourown.org/series/4153609
Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @afterblossom.bsky.social Ch. 8: Prayer. “Help me Night Lord Ren,” Rey whispered while tears streamed down her cheeks anew and gooseflesh prickled all across her body. “I pray to you.” Link ⬇️:
Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
28.5 hrs of work later, I present: Adam Driver #132 (Burberry Hero 3.0) digital painting / #AdamDriver
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @afterblossom.bsky.social Ch. 8: Prayer. “Help me Night Lord Ren,” Rey whispered while tears streamed down her cheeks anew and gooseflesh prickled all across her body. “I pray to you.” Link ⬇️:
From chapter 8 of ‘a shade of night, a wound of light’ 🌌: Uh oh. PLOT. #reyloww
Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? Comics? Something for MerMay? Or a collection? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
pensive digital painting / #AdamDriver
Reposted byAvatar Em 🐁
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_  Ch. 7: The Cave “You know I’m not a child anymore, don’t you?” Rey breathed, hardly able to take her mouth off of him long enough to even whisper the words. Link ⬇️:
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_ Ch. 6: Debt Shadow’s cloak was just that: a shadow in and of itself, made of pure, shielding darkness. Rey had become one with the void once she put the hood up. Link ⬇️
From chapter 6 of ‘a shade of night, a wound of light’ 🌌: I promise these two will be happy…eventually. 😅 Rey’s definitely not having a great time right now, though.
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip? Video? Something for #dryhumpalooza #maythe4th or #mermay? Let's see those fantastic WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
UPDATE: a shade of night, a wound of light 🌌 An original #Reylo myth based on the art of @_afterblossom_  Ch. 5: Her Shadow Sharp angles solidified beneath her fingers while he stared at her, searching her face. When she looked into his eyes, she saw infinite stars. Link ⬇️: