Brian M. Ross

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Brian M. Ross

Surgical X-ray Clinical Educator
Married to
❤️ to learn about astronomy, quantum physics, archaeology, etc.
Mythological Skies - a journey through time, space, and Myth.
Good morning BlueSky! Happy Monday! It always blows me away how good the Pixel is at night sky photography. I know AI does a bunch of heavy lifting, but still quite incredible. 🔭
Good morning BlueSky! Happy Friday! Hope everyone enjoyed "independence" day. Great food and fireworks are perfect to forget the recent SCOTUS ruling. 🫢 Well, here's a nice ripple of a photo... 🤷‍♂️
Avatar created a bumper sticker that says, "After a great fork, it's nice to be spooned" 😀
Good Morning 😎😎😎 happy hump day 😎😎😎
I'm rather impressed with the Pixel 8. This was shot with the Night Sight. I held the phone still on the car, so that helped a bunch. Facing north, I was trying to capture any scrap of the aurora. But with a little editing in Photos Editor, this is what I got. 🔭
Good morning BlueSky! Monday? Monday. Moon Day. Wish it were Sun Day... like this! Hope y'all have a tolerable day! 🔭
Since the aurora didn't make into Georgia... guessing someone or 'something' ambushed it on the way down... I got a couple decent shots of the Lion Constellation. Still haven't done any bias images - yeah, I'm lazy. 😁 🔭
Momming is hard! Happy Mother's Day to all moms... Especially, Faye And of course, Faye's mom and my mom!
Well, no Aurora... But here's a couple shots from my Pixel... 🔭
Good morning BlueSky! Happy Saturday! Hope y'all enjoy your weekend... Looks like the Flow of Spring!
Good morning BlueSky! It's a Tuesday! Take a *gander* at some ducks... Babies and parents.
YEA! We got our umbrellas from Science Socks! 🎉🎉😀 Very nice quality! Though it's comfortable to hold, it is quite sturdy. Thank you Science Socks! 🔭🎢
Good morning BlueSky! Monday! Slowly wake up. Real slow. Tap that arterial line for your coffee. Enjoy a pretty flower from the UGA Botanical Gardens. ☺️
Good morning BlueSky! We just watched Rebel Moon Part 2 last night. Could help it...
Good morning BlueSky! and I took her mom to the UGA Botanical Gardens yesterday for a flower filled walk. Caught this little guy who seemed to enjoy having its picture taken. Hope y'all have a wonderful Saturday!
Good morning BlueSky! Happy Thursday! Take a bit of a coffee break and relax in the knowledge that this volcano has already erupted. Fortunately, we were there well before that event. Barely caught a rainbow here... Tagaytay, Cavite, Philippines
Doing some more Maya sky research. This is from Stellarium. There is no Brian... There is only 🔭
Good morning BlueSky! Easy like Sunday morning? I hope so. 😎 Great blue heron somewhere in South Carolina.
So, about 5 years ago, I ripped all my CDs (about 270) and put them all on that tiny thumb drive with tons of room to spare.
Good morning BlueSky! I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!
Good morning BlueSky! A nice lazy Sunday... Time to work on some leather craft and video editing. Last couple days I've been playing with the eclipse photos. On this one, I tried to pull out some detail on the prominences. I have a couple more ideas I'll play with later. 🔭
Good morning BlueSky! Happy Friday! Weather is getting nicer and the polin is getting worse. Well, buck up and enjoy a serene photograph.
And here is one of the better processed still images. Near the bottom right, it looks like a nice solar flare! I'm still working to see if I can zoom in on that sucker and pull out some detail. My disappointment is that I forgot to change the ISO. I wanted it at 200 but it is at 800. 🔭
First phone image... Big cameras still recording. 🔭
Waiting for the Sun - Doors song or actual? 🤔
For 1400 today (2pm for non military folks)
Well, look at those! 👀 Very "eye catching"