
Still playing with sticker designs today. :-) I softened the green on the Silkie background AND came up with a town motto/seal for Harlot's Bay!
Okay, I respaced the town motto to allow more room between lines. This is also a very valuable use of my work time, as opposed to writing long-overdue responses to emails.
No, I feel this is a MUCH better use of your time. Emails can wait! But watercolor cherry trees? V. IMPORTANT!* *this is 100% not sarcasm, it's really pretty!
Thank you, my friend! I have to say: I think I managed to find the PERFECT font for the seal of a town founded in the 1600s. It's very colonial-adjacent!
I agree--it's lovely! And a totes different vibe from Roberta! I love them both!
i think this MIGHT be my favorite of these so far
I was very pleased with my font and motto selection! 😂😘
I would SO buy this as a magnet! BTW, another author I follow has had an extremely good experience with these companies: "Sticker Mule for magnets, and Custom Stickers for stickers (unless Sticker Mule is running a promotion)." Just in case you'd like another pricing option. Fast delivery, too.