
got COVID for the first time this past week. tons of conflicting information on returning to exercise - some say wait as long as 2 weeks, others say as needed, few distinguish between lifting and more cardio demanding sports. anybody have a source they trust on these questions?
this Journal of Science and Sports Med article is the best I've found so far: says essentially try 50% intensity for three days, then 75% for three days if that goes well, then normal intensity if that goes well
Return to exercise post-COVID-19 infection: A pragmatic approach in mid-2022 - Return to exercise post-COVID-19 infection: A pragmatic approach in mid-2022
also maybe bring your masks back out the surge is real and it was...not my favorite illness experience
Yeah it sucked. Second time for me (still positive). This time I didn’t get as sore from things like picking up heavy items, pull-ups, etc. But it was about a week before I could swim seriously without feeling like my heart was going to explode. Expect insane soreness at first.
Nb. Last time it was about a week before I could swim. This time… well I’m still a bit sick but turning wrenches anyways. I sliced off the end of my finger a couple of weeks ago so I couldn’t do high intensity Oly lifts right now even if I felt up to it. I bet snatches would leave me ungodly sore 😬
I’ve only had it once, back in 2022. Overall super mild, really no cough, fever, tiredness for most of it. Returned to swimming about 2wks after and hard sprinting absolutely made it feel like my heart was going to jump out, for like another 3-4mo.
No time to look for links, but I’ve been reading wait a long time- exertionn too soon leads to long covid.
Hope you feel better soon. Purely anecdotal 1st-p. experience was that after getting covid in March 2020 (b4 vaccines existed) it took a solid 6 months to get back to high-intensity running/hiking w/o getting winded. After 2nd case of covid, post-vac, I was full go 2 weeks later (at 33 and 34 y/o)
This tracks. First time was rough. Second less bad. Didn’t get long Covid like some colleagues. That must suck a lot 😕
I would just say listen to your body. Everyone is different. Try going for a walk. If that feels good, jog. If that feels good, run. If that feels good, you’re probably good to lift.
I know you asked for actual science and this isn’t that. But that’s what I did and it was good
same here - and sports after two weeks and preferrably, medical checks :(
Hope your recovery is short and steady!