House of Pain says; Come and get summa this. Excelleng long thread. Please share.
The question is, why the pedophile rapist sexual predator is free and happy?
Remember when the MAGA cult was screaming for the release of the Epstein files and now that they’re out with Trump’s name all over them, it’s all crickets and tumbleweeds from the party of law & order and family values? Good times, good times.
This is Trump, GOP & Heritage foundation’s #Project2025. It eliminates most rights & takes from SS, Medicare, Veteran’s benefits+ to give more tax cuts to millionaires & billionaires. #VoteAllRepublicansOut #VoteBidenHarris2024 #DefeatTrumpAndProject2025
The Post can't even wait for Biden's interview today. But they can wait forever, it seems, to write how Trump's dimentia is accelerating with crazy-shit dangerous insanity becoming more common. The Post, too, is broken.
Trump’s campaign is working with Heritage Foundation on #Project2025 plan to take away our democracy & make us a dictatorship day 1 of any Trump/GOP Admin. Trump Lies again when saying he isn’t involved.
Thread Trump says he doesn’t have anything to do with Heritage Foundation & Project2025. He lies again.
And this is who Republicans want to lead US. #MoralBankruptcy