
Damn. Trump was president in 2023? Nobody told me.
If you can understand how Israel doing the Nakba 76 years ago hurts people today you can understand how a President stacking the court with 3 anti-choice justices 4 years ago hurts people today. You understand the flow of time. Don’t pretend to be stupid.
I can also understand the nomination process and how just a bit of effort can grind one to a halt. And how the democrats could have done something. Anything. But chose not to. So now we have this bleak, terrible shit.
Ok. What, precisely, is one thing you wanted Joe Biden to do that Joe Biden had the power to do and did not do, that would have stopped Trump from creating the atrocity he did for the woman in this ad?
A better question: what will they magically be able to do after November that they were unable to do at any time in the last few decades? My objection is letting people who have systematically failed us on this issue, turning around and trying to campaign on the aftermath of their own failures.
Repeal the Comstock Act, pass a national Roe v. Wade floor for abortion rights using commerce clause authority, and have a great crack at being able to replace Alito and Thomas who are the oldest justices on the bench. 3 things off the top of my head
As to why no one repealed the Comstock Act 30 years ago, cause no one paid attention to the Comstock Act 30 years ago. The fight was on defending Roe. We lost that fight in 2016. Clinton ate it. So people are coming up with new ways to fight.
You can be mad that no one wrote an advance contingency playbook and built in insurance for protecting Roe v. Wade but the political impetus and support to even do that sort of thing has largely come from the reaction to the Dobbs decision itself
This. They could do this. Want to place bets on if they will?
Largely depends on Congress. If they do it I think Biden signs it if he’s President
Which is why running on: my opponent tortured families and if you elect me I’ll sign the bill that stops it. Is a great message
Only if it’s, we knew our opponent was going to torture families. We could have done something about that, but we didn’t. But if you vote for us now, we definitely will. For real this time. We won’t yank the football away this time. Promise.
What is this time period prior to, say, 2015 when Republicans took the Senate when you think the political support for running a successful campaign on legislating Roe v. Wade existed, while Roe v. Wade still existed. Like this really is a new fight post-Dobbs. It’s not the same