
Well, that made me cry at work, thanks a LOT, Greg
I mean … yeah, hit me like a box of bricks too. I'm awed by her courage, but what a f––ed up world we have where somebody even has this story to share.
I heard it and had to dive for the volume nob, lest I get nothing done all day from dehydration.
That was my reaction too. Like here we are at the point that her sharing her extremely personal, extremely painful story in a national ad for a candidate for President is actually extremely necessary. That is SO fucked up
...probably times hundreds...
Damn. Sure wish they'd done the Biden approval on the front end though - really jarring tonally after that last shot.
Im not sure about the spoken statement, but the written one is required to be at the end of the ad.
Spoken too. I'm President of a PAC and I have to record it for anything we run that's video or audio.
Keep it up. Hit ‘em where it hurts. Don’t let up. No mercy.
Keep hammering that point, dems! Not valuing women's lives is a feature not a bug to the MAGA crowd.
Not valuing actual children’s lives, either. (Dismantling safety nets, gun policy, family separation. . .) It is 100% a feature.
Or those of any but hetero white males. But it seems the biggest pushes right now are against trans people and women... and those who care for their wives, daughters and family members affected.
Absolutely gutting. I can't imagine how angry I would have to be to allow a fucking film crew in to record this grief. Glad to see Biden not shying away from the combined power of grief and righteous rage unleashed by these atrocious laws.
Also if the Dems want to actually do something to save this system of government, like packing SCOTUS and imposing term limits on justices, this is the kind of motivating force they're going to need to use. Fighting inertia requires real strength.
This ad reminds me of Biden's numerous failures. He's got my helpless and hapless vote. But, he's definitely not invited to my next BBQ.
Damn. Trump was president in 2023? Nobody told me.
Neither has voting for democrats the last 20+ years. They never stop the rot and always have an excuse for why they can’t or won’t.
Look, I apologize for being rude. I’ve had very little sleep today, and it’s been rough. Earlier I tweeted some more coherent thoughts on the subject, would you like me to link them? (Not confrontational, just out of discussion)
45% of the country supports the basic GOP agenda, 33% support Trump being made President-for-Life & we have a fundamentally conservative constitution with multiple power centers & a *lot* of veto points. That’s not a world where you get to stop fighting the rot, there’s no final battle to win…
Just this election & (at least if Biden wins) the next one & the next one & the next… GOP spent 50 years working to overturn Roe. So many disappointing losses—but they kept organizing & voting in every election. Too many on the left don’t have the patience for that & prefer moral purity over power.
My brother in christ, is there some special training you went through somewhere, some learning experience where you studied with the special masters of whateverthehell until you mastered the arts needed to become a pluperfect tool? Or did it come to you naturally?
Bro has gotta be either trolling or black pilled beyond all hope. Joe Biden could write him a $1T novelty check and he’d turn it down as “eww liberal cooties”
No. I’m just opposed to these feckless assholes failing to do anything about this for decades, and trying to exploit these people for electoral gains when those failures come home to roost. I’m just not about giving them a pass. Direct the rage at them. Yell at them. Make them do something.
K. Black pilled beyond hope. Even if you believe the choice is between being shot in the leg and being shot in the head, one of those two choices is objectively worse than the other. But you go ahead and keep performatively whining on the internet. That’ll fix the problem.
I asked him to specify what he'd done on this issue over the last several decades and he got mad at me for asking. No one could have guessed, eh?
It's innate. They didn't even have to WORK to get it.
I’m. Or the pack of political ghouls trying to profit off suffering we caused through lack of action over the course of decades.
It can be both. Sometimes it is. This time, it's more you.
Nope. Sure ain’t. But if that makes you feel better, go for it.
Yes, we know. It's not you that's wrong. It's all those kids.
If you can understand how Israel doing the Nakba 76 years ago hurts people today you can understand how a President stacking the court with 3 anti-choice justices 4 years ago hurts people today. You understand the flow of time. Don’t pretend to be stupid.
I don’t think he’s pretending
I can also understand the nomination process and how just a bit of effort can grind one to a halt. And how the democrats could have done something. Anything. But chose not to. So now we have this bleak, terrible shit.
Ok. What, precisely, is one thing you wanted Joe Biden to do that Joe Biden had the power to do and did not do, that would have stopped Trump from creating the atrocity he did for the woman in this ad?
Cause the criticism here is of Joe Biden. Not Joe Manchin. Not Kyrsten Sinema. Biden is apparently responsible for this women suffering infertility because he was president in 2023. How?
That’s fine. Let’s criticize the democrats for putting them on the ticket to begin with. And Biden for trying to profit electorally off his party’s years of failure on this issue.
A better question: what will they magically be able to do after November that they were unable to do at any time in the last few decades? My objection is letting people who have systematically failed us on this issue, turning around and trying to campaign on the aftermath of their own failures.
Repeal the Comstock Act, pass a national Roe v. Wade floor for abortion rights using commerce clause authority, and have a great crack at being able to replace Alito and Thomas who are the oldest justices on the bench. 3 things off the top of my head
And you can understand how 4 years could have been used to actual fix some things instead of deliberately doing nothing so they could be "live election issues". Biden is a *very* bad POTUS -the other guy being worse doesn't change that.
Name the law or policy which Biden had the power to but deliberately declined to pass in order to allow states to ban abortions as treatments for miscarriages. Be specific. The vagueposting about “fix some things” and “very bad” just comes across as not knowing jack
They never even worked hard enough to get to that point. Thats the problem. Everyone saw it coming. Tooth and nail since the Bush admin. And nothing. Nothing under Obama. Nothing ever.
I get being mad that people did not barricade the law enough in advance. I hear you. Now that you are in the present, what ad would you cut? Do you want a different ad? Do you want a Biden ad that says “Democrats suck and also I am a communist, the same kind of communist you, the viewer, are”?