Philo 🔜 Eurofurence

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Philo 🔜 Eurofurence

30/♂️/bi. Yet another infosec furry. Offsec consultant, graduate student at SANS (offensive ops). Former(?) philosopher. Sexual freedom and European defense. NYC. 🏳️‍🌈 🇪🇺 🇮🇹 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇨🇵

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NSFW 🔞 there will be dicks
I wonder how much if what's going on with the American election is literally just that people were happier with their pre-pandemic lives (or are nostalgic and think they were) and that happened to be when Trump was in power. No substance, just vibes.
We really need a season 7 of Silicon Valley to satirize the tech VC lords’ lurch toward fascism.
Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
Would you give him a paw-5? 🥺🐾 #fursuit
I can already tell I'm gonna love this, looking forward to it!
Sometimes you see something and it just speaks to you.
yes! the actual workforce of SV is enormously queer and lefty - what i suspect is that the Veblen tension between the business and industry class has been made explicit
it's undeniable that venture capitalists and CEOs have broken far right, but just don't assume that the rest of the industry is like that – there's good evidence that many tech workers are either solidly liberal / left
📙 Le #CyberDico de l’ #ANSSI liste, des mots, expressions et sigles du domaine de la #cybersécurité, leur traduction ainsi que leur définition en français et en anglais : #CyberDico de l’ #ANSSI liste, des mots, expressions et sigles du domaine de la #cybersécurité, leur traduction ainsi que leur définition en français et en anglais : #bitoduc
“What is most exceptional about the Americans is not the voluminous record of their violence but their extraordinary ability in the face of that record to persuade themselves that they are among the best behaved and best regulated of peoples.” - Richard Hofstadter, American Violence, 1970 🗃️
This is striking. The European Commission, the executive arm of the EU (headed by Von der Leyen), is boycotting Hungary’s 6-month rotating chairmanship of the European Council. It won’t send reps to Hungarian-organized meetings or respond to initiatives. Payback for Orban’s trip to Moscow.
I think it's interesting that Kaspersky has chosen not to fight the ban in court. They're just picking up their ball and going home.
Kaspersky plans to close its US business and eliminate US-based positions, following the country's ban on the sale of its antivirus tool starting July 20 (Kim Zetter/ZERO DAY) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
Thai iced tea, perfect for a heat wave.
Experiencing an outage. Team is working on it.
brain: hey what if this made up scenario happened? me: uh, i don’t know what? brain: i’d release a ton of stress chemicals into your body… like this! me: oh jeez i feel fucking terrible now brain: i know right?? god that imaginary guy was a jerk for doing this to you
EXCLUSIVE A Microsoft zero-day exploit that Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative team claims it found and reported to Redmond in May was disclosed and patched by the Windows giant in July's Patch Tuesday – but without any credit given to ZDI.
ZDI shames Microsoft for coordinated vuln disclosure 'It seems like they really don't have a full grasp of what's going on with this patch'
I wanna suck a dick but I'm stuck doing paperwork and laundry
Mikey’s first pride event!!
This would also explain a lot.
Pride month's over Lust month is the celebration
a non-zero amount of american leftism is just ron paul thought but marxistly
Yeah I mean I don't get this at all given that this is a normal thing in most European public transit systems.
"Whaddya want to hear next?" Commission for and !