Skipai Otter

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Skipai Otter

Male Otter, 49 years old, furry writer, gamer, tv and movies, computer geek, fursuiter, Bi (Male biased).
I have no sympathy for those that are spouting violence and threatening the safety of others and then looking shocked and calling for peace when other groups lash out in defence. Looking at the far right people here. You started it, what did you expect?
Visual impairment problems 101... Finding out you ate bread with mould on (happened few days back) So so fucking tired... You have no idea...
I know a fair few will buy from this so called 'prime' day and any other online store also having a sale right now. But a warning to not buy anything 12th or 13th gen intel based, be it a laptop or desktop computer at the moment. Things are still up in the air with issues.
Zen 5 for consumers isn't out yet, few weeks to go. However, Zen6 is being prepared to come out for EPYC first with the new SP7 socket. The Ryzen version will come with another RDNA update and adopt the 2.5D interconnector for increased bandwidth.
Oh he'll put people into camps that don't agree with him. Well, that's the quickest route then for another to try to put air conditioning into the skull..
Those that have the choice to have a car or not is fine for you. I don't have that choice. The transport here is so shit you can't get from A to B without it taking 3 to 6 hours and that's only 20 miles. I hate having bad eyesight.
I'm perfectly fine in talking about the orange and how he should fuck off really. My stance on that hasn't changed due to previous weekend events.
So I know, let's see what future movies, tv or videogames coming out and ... Why is there AI crap sneaking into this now.. Those that make this stuff. Do a favour and fuck off. And I'm asking very impolitely as well.
So Exploding Kittens series is actually quite fun for the episodes I've seen so far.
I did sleep well last night. Having rain outside to listen to is soothing to fall asleep to.
Reposted byAvatar Skipai Otter
This is where they settle a base there and then meet the landlords as in Space Moon Spiders.
I am begging the scientific community to watch one(1) sci-fi horror movie.
If Brexiters think UK will get a good WTA deal or even a US trade deal if Trump wins.. We never should've left the EU. Best chance we got is to get back into it as soon as possible.
No sorry Labour but you need to get ready for the US to break all special relationship if Trump/Vance gets in. They're going to not help at all if Russia attacks. Most we expect there is. "Negotiate for the land they took." It's time to make alternative plans for a world without US help.
So I guess referral means anytime in the next 10 years. And that's why I hate fucking Tories. Bastards.
I mean, I can put together a flatpack easily, sometimes without even looking at the instructions. Same for mail room, office type jobs, putting a pc together, fixing something like figuring out why a TV isn't getting a image, that sort of thing. I learn a lot better by actually doing the task.
A lot of people learn different ways and are smarter in different ways also. Some are great at words, writing, learning facts from books etc. Others are way better at just doing stuff, they're not dumb, they just do it differently. I'm in that latter group.
If senior Dems don't want to fight anymore and go "Well, Trump's won." Resign, like today. Just resign and fuck off then and let younger, more willing to take this fight by the teeth and yank a hole out of it to fight against this far right nonsense. Let's see Dems do that.
Reposted byAvatar Skipai Otter
So chipset 800 series motherboards for AMD processors. B840 - Gen3, USB3.2, no cpu overclocking, memory overclock only, 1 16x pcie slot B850 - Gen5 (NVME/GPU optional) Gen4 GPU, USB3.2, CPU/Ram OC, 1x16, 2x8 X870 - Gen 5, CPU/Ram OC, USB4, 1x16, 2x8 X870E - Gen 5, CPU/RAM OC, USB4, 1x16, 2x8
My recommended computer tech purchases this sale on various sites is to move from intel to amd. Even getting a B650 or X670/E board aka AM5 with Ryzen 7000 cpu will offer more stability in your gaming/programs and you can upgrade to 9000 on same board later on if need be.
Beginning to think something may have happened to ssdd artist that does that comic or their health was worse than last public on site message was at the time.
Hey Truss, at least Biden lasted 4 years so far than your pathetic, mega weak short time a lettuce beat you from not rotting in your time as prime minister..
Honestly, Hungary should choose, EU/Nato or Russia. If latter, then kick them out.