
think it is hard for some to understand that Transgender folks aren't always pre-post op status. some straight up are just happy how they are and are the pronoun they told you they are and don't need or want any alterations.
yup. i admit that it sometimes takes me longer to adjust a pronoun if the person isn’t obviously performing their gender, but that’s a my brain problem not a their gender problem.
Agree, trans people are under no obligation to act how you think their gender rolls should be. Likewise they are under no obligation not to. Cis girls exchange tips on how to act more feminine so why shouldn't trans girls.
everyone has the right to refine (or ignore) their gender presentation as they choose.
Agreed, much more elegant way to say it. And yes, in the current societal rolls, women spend far more time refining their gender presentation, while male gender presentation is typically learned socially.
I find that there shouldn't be pressure either way on how someone tries to be themselves. A culture of exchange of expression methods should be healthy and teach diversity, not ridged social social norms.  This goes for all social behaviors, not just gendered ones.
Learning to "be a better you" is good, but we must take care not to try to force people into a box the current society creates.
Overall really agree. I slightly disagree that woman spend more time refining their gender presentation. Society centering men as the default makes it more invisible & less commented on. (Women are more criticized for it.) But the entire manosphere grifter apparatus is about male gender refinement.
It's not that they spend more time doing it.   It is that they directly and actively exchange tips more. Guys tend to be more subtle about it, mentioning a tip here and there as a side-topic when a specific aspect comes up, instead of dedicating time to the discussion.
Or only want a few alterations! (As an example, what's between my legs? Just fine. Face? Femmes up right nicely with a good shave and makeup. The frontals? ...Could be a lot bigger.)
How true. I resisted "helping" my trans daughter to present as more feminine because I didn't want to come off as critical. But it led me to the realization that my concept of feminine might be quite different than hers.
The line I've heard from one of my trans friends is "I'm going to hold onto my girldick." I think that is the most clever way to put it, albeit a tad lewd.