Orson Worson

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Orson Worson


We know Jaws is based on An Enemy of the People (+ Moby Dick) but I think it would be really cool to do a version of An Enemy of the People that’s based on Jaws. Like, people at the baths keep literally being killed by the toxic water like the alien’s acid blood in Alien.
I don’t disagree with the things written in this novel’s foreword (not written by the author) but I do think this is an absolutely nuts and off-putting way of writing a foreword to a novel.
I think it would be funny if taking ozempic just for cosmetic weight loss worked like the well known “big head mode” cheat-code in video gaming. Wouldn’t that be funny, or am I off the mark on this one?
An interesting detail connected to this is that Neil Gaiman has a blurb printed on or in probably 95% of major sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and weird fiction books. If Jeff VanderMeer gets canceled next, basically every single book is going to have to be reprinted. www.avclub.com/neil-gaiman-...
Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assaultwww.avclub.com A new report contains allegations from two women who accuse the American Gods author of nonconsensual acts
Why tf would you walk into a bookstore and see me 👇 behind the counter and decide “oh yeah this guy totally wants to commiserate with me about the evil weed store opening up across the street and how ‘illegals’ are invading the community”??
With this new Supreme Court ruling, it’s time for Biden to fulfill his terrible purpose.
This election is all about groceries. You have to vote for the person who you *feel* is going to make the groceries cheaper.
Made a pretty big decision just now that I’m going to part ways with my illustration agency. They’re very nice people, but I’m fed up with the cut of commissions they get on work that I complete myself and procure via my own promo.
I think it’s time to really finally give up Reddit. It’s such a weird time-capsule of unaware, overconfident weirdo bros. Everyone is just perpetually 14 in 2012 there. Yoko Ono is still bad, English teachers are idiots for analyzing things, and journalists should be purged for “clickbait.”
New illustration, a response to the Louisiana law requiring the 10 commandments in classrooms and a reflection on its specific impact on girls.
The name ‘Justinian’ is so extra. Gonna start going by Josephieph
Sex and the City girls if they were interested in Russian history/literature:
Visited my late Aunt’s place today. The bookcases in the hallway entrance to her apartment have always been my idealized image of a personal library. I felt weird and sad looting two boxes of books from her, but I’m excited to finally read these three which she brought up in conversation many times.
“Grandpa, what was it like growing up at the turn of the millennium?” “Hot fries used to go hard before they nerfed them, then in the 20s Denmark tried to do the same thing to Buldak ramen.”
Portrait of me from a student today
‘Challengers’ but with them 👇
I only take orders from the Octoboss
When I’m especially tired I’ll do that foolish 30 minute dance where I’m lying in bed dozing off, trying to power through to the end of a chapter but not actually taking in any information. Last night this devolved into literally just trying to hold the book upright with no reading whatsoever.
I always have this dumb antitheistic thought process where I’ll be like “the Hubble telescope” or “beavers!! Now *that’s* what/who we should be honoring/praying/paying homage too, not Jesus or some god” but then I’m like… the beavers don’t care, man. Like, there’s literally no need
Sorry, I just honestly don’t think you could handle the sandwiches I rock with these days (Liverwurst, lettuce, mayo, swiss, lingonberry jam, sriracha)
Absolutely insane thing to say
Excited to finish War & Peace so I can pick up the Charli XCX Anna Karenina
Sun Wukong sculpt (part 1)