Terry O'Connor

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Terry O'Connor


Old bloke in Yorkshire, interested in wildlife, gardening, books, classical music archaeology, cats. Often muddy. Born at 313ppm.
Moments later, a catastrophic drive-shaft failure sent the crowded bus hurtling backwards downhill. Will the two buses collide? Will their drivers save the day?
Other work by the Ladybird artists. A particularly chirpy book cover by artist SR Badmin, 1956
Important PSA 👇👇 We need to get 'facticle' into regular use.
Factoid doesn't mean little fact, it means erroneous fact that is repeated so often that it is believed to be true so the idea that factoid just means a little fact is itself a factoid
Well, many people suffer significant injuries from falls and other accidents in their kitchen. And nearly all of those kitchens housed a toaster. Don't trust the little blighters.
"I don't trust toasters" - Ujjwal Sharma (from @igalia.bsky.social) Definitely one of the best one off comments I've heard in a talk From his FOSDEM talk in Feb fosdem.org/2024/schedul...
Gareth Southgate and Vaughan Gething have both resigned today. I wonder if they timed it so they could swap jobs?
A question for you: Does anyone recommend (or the opposite) any particular make/model of apple press?
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
(Self-promotion alert.) I recently gave a 45-min paper on Rachel Carson, British nature writing, and ecological loss/wonder. A lot of work, nice slides, and I'd like to give it again some time. So if you are organising a relevant event and are interested, please get in touch. #envhum
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
What a day for discombobulating news. Here's a mix of ox-eye daisy, knapweed and wild carrot on one of our no-mow areas. #allotment
Good plan overburdened by lashings of hiraeth.
Lovely to see - we're going to need much more of this kind of thing!! "Lost area of Welsh rainforest to be returned to ancient glory. Site in Pembrokeshire currently grazed by sheep will be planted with a range of species and reconnect to Celtic past." www.theguardian.com/environment/...
Lost area of Welsh rainforest to be returned to ancient glorywww.theguardian.com Site in Pembrokeshire currently grazed by sheep will be planted with a range of species and reconnect to Celtic past
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
I hear there's a scammer contacting Reform supporters, pretending to be Farage in order to con money out of them. This takes irony to unprecedented levels.
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Spent a damp morning singling apples in the community orchard.
This would explain why the British Museum stores are kept in a remote and inaccessible part of London.
american werewolves are only in london because they were stolen from the isle of manhattan by the british museum
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
What they said 👇👇👇👇👇
Most people are just 'live and let live' when it comes to trans people. Sure, delve into gender theory with them and there are some misconceptions and outdated beliefs etc, of course there are, but mostly people have no issues whatsoever with the idea of just leaving trans people alone.
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Hey @4sweb.bsky.social we can has #easst2024 #4s2024 hashtags thanks to @tsoz-tuc.bsky.social crew! Really looking forward to the first joint conference since the pandemic. Would be great to get some conf chat going on Bsky to help entice more #STS #scipol #scicom #histstm #envhum folks over here
We are looking forwardt to next week's #easst2024 in Amsterdam! The joint meeting of the European and the international associations for Science and Technology Studies is THE highlight for #STS scholars around the globe. Our great team is deeply involved, hence we came up with an own schedule 👇🏽
The view from our HolidayInn room. Question: is that waste ground or a really nice patch of wildlife habitat?
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Wessex Archaeology has done a thing, and have launched the new #OpenLibrary making freely available 40 years of research and publications including reports and books #OpenAccess Have a look! 👀 🏺
Wessex Archaeology Open Librarywessexarchaeologylibrary.org Access archaeological reports and research publications from Wessex Archaeology for free via our digital library.
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Yet another fake agency alert: Vanderbilt Literary Agency. Content & book covers plagiarized from a real agency (Frances Goldin Literary), AI-fake photos of supposed agents, & a website just 21 days old vanderbiltliteraryagency.com
Vanderbilt Literary Agencyvanderbiltliteraryagency.com
Loads of papers carrying this drivel. Crossing from Normandy???? That would be a bit epic. In fact they were crossing from Gravelines, just up the road from Calais. Uncritical cut&paste. www.msn.com/en-us/news/w...
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Mid-career in academia is tough. So I’m really pleased we’ve opened the call for @britishacademy.bsky.social mid-career fellowships. These free you from commitments for a period of 6-12 months, to devote to the completion of a major piece of research www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/funding/mid-...
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor
Reposted byAvatar Terry O'Connor