
I do think that we should not just like, let MrBeast gain anymore money, power or influence. I don’t wanna get Citizens United by HIM in 16 years or whatever.
i think if we told him there were a bunch of poors in the woods yearning to do stupid tiktok dances for grocery money we could lure him into a real pack of wolves and let that take care of itself
We asked five candidates to drink fifty gallons of water as fast as possible for the chance to win a $20 million dollar PAC
Good god, they'll drop faster than the participants from that super cursed "Hold your wee for a Wii!" contest did.
What even is he? Why is he famous? I don't get it.
Not even sure how to describe him. He’s kind of a challenge influencer I guess? Like he makes people do stuff. For money.
That's how my kid describes him. But, I mean, I don't get the appeal. He just looks like another boring guy.
"White guy with no personality but a lot of money" is a lot of famous people, really
kinda feels like he's gonna inevitably burnout in spectacular fashion that profile of him a little back was one of the grimmest pieces of celebrity reporting i've ever read boy's completely hollowed himself and his interactions with the world out to become Content™
He can run for president in 9 years He might have to since Nick Fuentes can ALSO run for president in 9 years Tbh I like Mr Beast. He seems like a good egg. I watch his videos with my kid sometimes. For a 26 year old, he's managed to not fuck up vast wealth and fame so far, which is impressive.