
I think a reason we’re seeing a real time reshaping of fascism that appears confusing is because fascist leaders are at their core just the deadliest grifters. Their agenda is *still* to violently transfer the assets of others to themselves. They always need to manifest a fashionable enemy to do so.
That’s why Le Pen can say blatant absurdities like she wants to defend Jews from Islam when what she really wants is to further enshrine a false division.
And also, even the most dedicated bigots will have a handful of Jews/Blacks/Queers that they "love," and will work with. They're the good ones. Until they're not. Or until they're not pulling their weight. Le Pen will "defend" Jews until it's no longer profitable.
That’s Timothy Snyder’s thesis - fascists are grifters and the key to understanding fascist “policy” is that they latch onto whatever’s popular at the moment.
The only Fascist agenda is "power", and their only real policy narrative is "[the enemy] is already here, and you need to give us the power to defeat them"
While that may be so, it is a mistake to underestimate ideology as a real motive. The worldview of fascism is determinate, even if its victims du jour may appear arbitrary. The core of fascist ideology is the logic of capital, taken to its logical conclusions. Centrism radicalized.
If it were a grift, alone, there'd be a rational core of ruthless self-interest. They are true believers, and that makes them more dangerous.
And very often, it's also a family business: lepen father (very old and ill atm, fingers crossed), had to let his daughter Marine lead the party - Bardella is her nephew by alliance. During the elections, the other niece defected to the another party, scammed them of all their money, and left.
If they were alive today, the Nazis would be pushing health supplements and bunker rations.