kendra || 🦦🦦

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kendra || 🦦🦦

'it may sound absurd, but don't be naive. even heroes have the right to bleed.'

hockey nut. fighter, always+forever.

our wishlist:
I think I should get a bike. The national park is a 15 minute ride away, it'd be cool. If I get this job I'm saving for one.
Today I did what I've wanted to do for a while. I moved to the county below. Away from the big city, away from the memories. We're nestled in a motel off the highway, and it's a run down place but you know what? It feels like home. And there's a truck stop nearby. Which is the coolest thing.
90+ degrees. No shelter. I'm going to die today
Big goal today; 200 dollars keeps us housed and out of the heat (I'm sick so that...doesn't help.) Urgently needed by 12pm edt V; tayfers Pp; [email protected] #signalboost #helpsky 💕💸
Just a hundred dollars today. That shouldn't be hard...I hope
I haven't had this many panic attacks in one day in a while...shit
Hey look that panicked feeling in my chest is back.
We just need 101 dollars And maybe I can book it for the night. Lets see what happens V; tayfers Pp; [email protected] #signalboost 💕💸
I love waking up with panic in my chest and an overwhelming sense of "I am not safe." It's really great
If you'd like to help the goobers and I stay sheltered in the heat and you're able; Ven; tayfers Pp; [email protected] Ca; $pitters52 Any bit is greatly appreciated 💕💸 #helpsky #signalboost
Somehow gotta come up with 300 bucks to stay sheltered. I HATE weekends. Ihate that I lost my rate. I hate everything.
The relief only lasts so long and I'm tired
I got approved for food stamps yesterday and I'm really excited about it. It's been so hard to keep food stocked so this'll be great and I can go back to eating somewhat healthy,( and I can cook again!) I know part of me feeling so bad is I've been eating like poo. So...excitement
just killing it* rn *lying on my back and doing fuck all
Wishlists make me feel weird yet here I am updating mine cause I can't sleep. Go figure
I am 37 dollars away from my goal of staying safely housed V; tayfers If you can help, either by donating or boosting that would mean the world, Anything helps 💕💸 (Also thank you to for teaching me that emoji trick)
Pay Kendra Tayfel using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
I've gone to a lot of people and asked for unsolicited cat photos. Everyone has obliged, and I regret nothing. To be fair now, this is my angel boy, Elvis. He was my little love. We lost him in December 2021. I miss him every day.
I'm struggling very hard today...this...It hurts today. Everything hurts.
I woke up and immediately almost went into a panic attack which... tells me last night was bad. Very bad. Oh man. And my phone is still off. I had to download an app and no one knows that number and ...fuck
So they told me I had to start booking on Priceline. This is the price for tomorrow. Any bit helps out immensely! Venmo; tayfers Pp; C: $pitters52 #helpsky ##signalboost 💕💸
Just 30 more. Gonna pass off like I forgot Cause yeah
Also when I tell you sneaks up out if nowhere. I mean NOWHERE. Very sneaky. Very Very sneaky. Puts my sneakiness to shame but...there are years advantage
I can't wait until I can afford a week here. So I don't have to do this
Listen, not having a phone so i can call and bother all day is weird
why am I subjecting myself to a pro robert bales podcast already I have a headache from this and im only one episode in.
💕💸 Updated goal; 48 dollars for rent 45 dollars for my phone reconnect 20 for hygiene(aka pads because that time of month.) V; tayfers Pp; [email protected] Ca; $pitters52 Thank you in advance! Any bit helps! #helpsky
I somehow need to come up with 88 dollars for the rent and an additional 45 for my phone And then if I am lucky, hygiene products. Oh god. v: tayfers Pp; [email protected] Ca; $pitters52 #helpsky #signalboost #mutualaid