
It’s a terrible bind because protest should be rude, but at some point the notoriety cannibalizes on the connection you are trying to establish with the people you’ve made to look.
I think they send their message very effectively, and I do like the message (no point in protecting art and history when the environment is not protected). What I worry about is how much this does not win them any public support, something they 100% need for reach their endgame.
Just Stop Oil protesters spray Stonehenge with paint | Environmental protesters have sprayed Britain’s most famous prehistoric structure, Stonehenge, with orange paint a day before huge crowds are expected to gather there for the summer solstice.
I can’t help but think the leadership for Just Stop Oil lacks people who understands, on a lived level, how advocating for something basic and good sometimes still requires humoring your opposition and giving them the time of day.
I disagree. They are not looking for support. They don't need support, literally two people are enough for an action like this one. They are looking to startle people into finally thinking and they are clearly successful. In fact your post and the millions more like it prove it.
tl/dr if a protest like this convinces 5% of people hearing about it to also take action, it is a success. Broad and tepid support is something that we already have and is getting us nothing.
I get needing to make a statement and get attention but hate protests that punch down.
I think it’s another reason why “how to win friends and influence people” should be mandatory highschool reading. TLDR, if you are a dick people don’t want to work with you. You may win an argument, but loose a cause