
Good news, Harris wasn’t picked because of “optics” - anymore than any politician selected for VPOTUS in the history of joint tickets has been.
if harris was chosen because of optics, consider the optics of passing over the first black female vice president as the heir apparent. and optics aside, it’s simply fucked up. you don’t have to be a harris fan to see that.
The problem would not be jettisoning an UNqualified candidate selected, because of “optics.” The problem would be jettisoning an EMINENTLY qualified candidate, because of misogynoir on the left.
I have the person QT'd at the top of the thread blocked - mind if I ask who it is?
It was her recent pants-shitting about the debate that finally made me block her. She has some gall to say Harris should now be the nominee when (1) she spent 2020 ignoring racist attacks against Harris in favor of her favorite white lady, and (2) Harris is fully behind Biden staying in
Yeah, it’s always very coincidentally aligned with their own objectives when they suddenly start caring about BW - and, they want to accuse Democrats of “pandering.” They don’t give a shit about us.