


K-hive forever
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“We need to do something totally unprecedented in the history of American elections.” “Oh, wow. That seems risky, especially when we’re trying to defeat fascism.” “Not as risky as not doing it.” “OK, so how will you go about it?” “We’ll come up with something in the next 30 days.” “Impressive!”
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Over on Xitter, Jesse Singal is bothered that I called out Peter Baker's hypocrisy and cowardice about demanding medical records.
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It’s hard to come to any other conclusion than the fact that most of them just prefer seeing Republicans in power in no small part bc they like what they represent and hope to see their goals for the country achieved.
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This also, imo, makes grousing from certain reporters that Dems are being too mean to them now and too critical of news media which justifies them being critical in return extremely hollow. We know what a party actually attacking news media looks like & what their response is: they roll over for Rs.
In 2016, the press was absolutely sure that Clinton was going to win, which they said was their justification for going hard on her. In 2024, they are absolutely sure Trump will win, which they are using as a justification to run puff pieces & roll over for his campaign whenever possible.
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It’s saturation level narrative pushing
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In 2016, the press was absolutely sure that Clinton was going to win, which they said was their justification for going hard on her. In 2024, they are absolutely sure Trump will win, which they are using as a justification to run puff pieces & roll over for his campaign whenever possible.
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Sheila Jackson Lee led the first rewrite of the Violence Against Women Act to include protections for Native American, transgender and immigrant women and was outspokenly against the Iraq War from the start. Last time she was arrested for engaging in civil disobedience for voting rights was 2021
Breaking news: Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat who during three decades in the U.S. House of Representatives became one of the most prominent Black members of Congress and a ubiquitous champion of African American and women’s rights, died July 19 at a hospital in Houston. She was 74.
Sheila Jackson Lee, outspoken Texas congresswoman, dies at 74www.washingtonpost.com The long-serving Democrat, a champion of African American and women’s rights, announced in June that she had pancreatic cancer.
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The poll in the WSJ that kicked off the entire "Joe is too old" narrative was conducted by a guy who works for a Trump Super Pac that paid him $567,000 in 2023, with close ties to Paul Manafort. Oh and he’s a former Trump 2016 Campaign staffer. newrepublic.com/post/175387/...
That Big Poll Showing Trump and Biden Are Evenly Matched? Trump Helped Pay for It.newrepublic.com The Wall Street Journal poll is being cited in all the mainstream media outlets, with no caveat that Donald Trump’s Super PAC paid one of the pollsters.
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NYT: One candidate will end democracy as we know it. Here's why we should undermine the other candidate.
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Let the past month or so prove that people who are anxious and fearful can be manipulated into believing horrible things by people with a horrible agenda. And this is entirely the fault of a media ecosystem built solely to be a money-making machine rather than a way to inform the public.
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The venn diagram of “young white guy who was considered a wunderkind by progressives” and “right wing grifter once people start questioning their wunderkind-ness” isn’t perfect but it is damn close.
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My Twitter feed is people who have nonstop hated Democrats for the last decade saying they’re the KHive’s strongest soldiers and my BlueSky feed is Bidenist North Korea. I don’t know what to tell you.
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Hey, no, really congrats on deep-throating Republican propaganda. You're fucking worthless.
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Again, these gobshites have no freaking idea about the coalitions that compose the Democratic Party. They think they can bypass the 1st black woman vice-president and replace her with a white woman and there isn’t an electoral cost? Are black women chopped liver?
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I just gave up and blocked somebody in whom I up until recently held the highest esteem. It is fucking incumbent upon anybody, especially anybody with a large platform, to get fucking control of your doomer spirals for the sake of the people around you if not for yourself. We have to stop this.
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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas has died. She was 74. She had recently announced a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
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Entirely predictable that the people now saying “the stakes are too high - Biden must step aside” will start to offer a bunch of qualifiers if Biden does step down.
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Like, this psychotic appetite for an open convention, based near-explicitly on "Oooh, wouldn't it be so *fun* and *thrilling*?" is decadent. It's actual, real decadence and degeneracy, the reduction of a normal process into a gross parody to sate the boredom of the elites.
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"We don't have a king. The Democrats can choose whoever they want!" "Why should we immediately pick Harris? She needs to prove herself!" We had a primary. They won. Voters voted. Period.
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EXCLUSIVE: A group of prominent activists and faith leaders have prepared an open letter commenting on calls for Biden to step aside, calling pressure by some to end his candidacy "anti-democratic efforts" and arguing Democrats should "trust the process." religionnews.com/2024/07/19/f...
Activists, religious leaders say Democrats pressing Biden to bow out should respect 'process'religionnews.com (RNS) — 'We are troubled by anti-democratic efforts within the Democratic Party to subvert the established processes to achieve someone’s idea of the most electable ticket,' the letter reads.
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That's the thing that bothers me the most about this- if this was *just* a case of robbing Peter to pay Paul, a short-sighted rush for a near-term solution with bad long-term prices, I could at least understand it. But from where I'm sitting, there's not even that, just rich people throwing a fit.
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You can’t actually be socially liberal and fiscally conservative.
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RNC attendees held "MASS DEPORTATIONS NOW" signs supporting the mass purging of millions of our neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones and I can't seem to find one single headline about from a major news outlet. The media isn't meeting the moment.
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Imagine being a *state* senator from Arizona, and having the temerity to speak this way on the record about an Attorney General, U.S. Senator and VP who speaks in international an national fora every day of the week.
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