
This is the one good thing Starfield did for me. After it made me angry enough to get over the activation potential to actually leave a review, it also made me resolve that I will make the time to praise the ones that have delighted me rather than just sit there in contentment.
Also, a general reminder that if you like indie games, wishlisting them before release and leaving a thumbs up review after you play them can have an outsize impact on a small dev!
No, I will not stop being mad about Starfield. I may in fact
I was so sure there must be a good game buried in there somewhere. I played so many hours looking for it. If I could just level up a few more skills or build out a slightly better ship or find the marginally better weapon. Chasing mirages for hours and hours.
I, sadly, gave them more hours than that searching for it. Hoping that the story would improve, that I would find some plot that would stitch things together in a pleasing way. Nope. No mechanics improvement, which were trash, will fix bad story.
I took Steam offline on my "gaming" laptop ~01 December to pin the particular then-current version of Starfield. About to take that laptop on a 2-week family "vacation" (remote working half-days, but also NMS) and I just realized that with 120+ hours in the game I can't see ever playing it again.
There is no mechanic improvement that can be done to fix the stories and main plot. Fixing that effectively is a new game, which is a situation of great, super, I don’t trust you with that many hours of my life again, Todd.
I am particularly annoyed as someone who didn't pre-order Starfield but *did* pre-order ME:Andromeda. A way-too-similarly-flawed game. At release (don't know if they fixed it since, and you're likely aware) there was a unique face for PeeBee but *every* other Asari was functionally identical...WTH?
I was so excited for Starfield. I watched many hours of my SO's playthrough. I am grateful I didn't spend the money on it. It feels like they have this immense toolbox of compelling mechanics and, what, decades of player data to build from, and yet. :/
While the mechanics were bad, the stories and plot were far worse.
...and imho it's not even just the "stories and plot" it's one level meta-up: Why are we all here? Because sometimes I felt as though I protagonist was the A*hole and sometimes the possible (future my friend/my betrothed/me?) was the A*hole and just...who TF is playing this for what reason?
Game+ obliterated the need for and value of Game.
Yeah. After seeing 'the end' for the first time, it just left me with a really annoyed sort of disappointment. Speedrun rerolling the entire universe for funsies, that's the big reward? Wow. :P