
Natalie Brumfield is a "pro-life" activist and the NYT is committing journalistic malpractice by failing to disclose that in the lede. They're nothing but a rag. A greasy paper towel passing itself off as newsprint.
Perfect Times lead. Open with a reactionary exulting over an abstract principle that will hurt other people (and would have with a minor change of circumstance hurt her). Then cut to the real person suffering real harm as if they are equivalent.
Not the first time they've presented right-wing political operatives as Normal Average Americans, either. It's something of a habit.
Hang on. She has kids through IVF. Doesn't that all but guarantee that she had unused embryos?
One would think that should be mentioned somewhere in the article, but...🤷‍♀️
From a 2021 story in Jackson, MS: "Brumfield now heads up the Birmingham chapter of Bound4Life international, which is the group that organized Wednesday’s prayer meeting outside the state’s only abortion clinic." Nowhere is that mentioned in Medina's article.
In other words, Brumfield is ecstatic to forever deny to other women THE VERY SAME TECHNOLOGY SHE HERSELF USED TWICE to have kids, presumably because she's done and doesn't need it anymore. It's fucking monstrous—the sheer hubris, self-justification, and appalling selfishness from her.
Late in the article he quotes her as saying her 4-y.o. child is proof that all embryos should be preserved, b/c that embryo had been given a poor grade and developed into a strong baby. Good for you, lady. You got to make your choice. Doesn't mean you get to choose for everyone else. Infuriating.
and they didn't ask the follow up that it's like a given that IVF will end in embryo destruction or failure to propagate? Like just not mentioning since usually they implant multiple embryos with IVF that this woman has almost certainty had an abortion!?
I gave up on the NYT a long time ago. Wouldn't expect anything else.
The New York Times are jerks.
Very uncomfortable toilet paper as well.
I’m confused. Why TF should normal people care what Christians think?
Malpractice implies less than the evil intent that they clearly have here
They're the cheaper branch of Rubenstein