
Please consider donating some of your funds if you are in a good place to the Queers @ Home group that is a queer safehouse helping 50 people in Africa, keeping them alive incl. children. #Donate4Art - Minimum $19 donation (R350) gets you a SKETCH from me! Please see the reply post for a guide...
URGENT APPEAL: We need rice, samp, oil, flour, beans & more. You can help by purchasing a voucher (ranges from R100, which is $5.60, to R1000 = $56) that we can exchange for food & toiletries. Email address: [email protected] Link to purchase:
HOW TO DONATE TO QUEERS @ HOME .... The lowest amount you can dono is like $5 and that still gets them a lot. Please consider helping out today. All we have is each other. #MutualAid #queer #trans #lgbtq #TransCrowdFund #crowdfunding #helpsky
One of our regular donors made this guide on how to purchase & send a grocery voucher via Webtickets: (See Step 5 & 6 in the comment below ⬇️) Thank you Allistar for being so thoughtful! We hope this encourages more people to donate vouchers.