
This isn’t complicated. If Biden has advanced dementia then Thursday night’s showing is really him, but hard then to explain Friday’s lively rally. Alternatively, brain is 2% of weight yet consumes ~20+% of energy and is highly sensitive to low energy states, particularly among groups like elderly.
”With aging and neurodegenerative diseases, brain becomes inefficient at utilizing glucose due to changes in glia & neurons…” Good news is growing body of research suggests straightforward ways to improve brain’s access to energy, even among elderly and ill.
“We tested whether giving the brain a more efficient fuel source, either by a low-carb diet or drinking ketone supplements, could provide the brain with greater energy. Even in younger individuals, this added energy further stabilized brain networks.”
Low Carb Diet May Reverse Age-Related Effects Within the Brain - SBU The news in brief: 1) Brain changes associated with aging become visible much earlier than would be expected, in the late 40's. 2) This is hypothesized to result from neurons’ loss of energy; if so, r...
America's First Keto President!?
Cheddar cheese lobbyists in an Uber to whitehouse as we speak.
So that’s the pitch? We can work around this with supplements? Unfortunately feels a bit weak as a campaign slogan! Although don’t get me wrong, I think a new candidate would be destructive at this point. AND, Trump has so many weak points to exploit But fence-sitters probably need a better pitch
Definitely not a pitch (except maybe to campaign staff to do a better job of keeping Biden appropriately fueled). Proof of vitality has to be shown, not stated. Friday he showed up with vigor. If he can keep that for four months he could win. If we see much more of Thursday Biden, he’s done.
I think that argues for his being done. Seems unlikely that was a one off; at best he’s good some of the time and bad some of the time.
Clearly Thursday was a disaster and, we agree, likely to recur unless, as evidence I highlight suggests, there are easy interventions that might help a lot. Either way, 1. We need more data (public evaluation) 2. Campaign would need to make interventions and they'd need to work Second is unlikely…