
People keep saying, “why are folks losing their minds over one night?” Well, it wasn’t just one night. It’s avoiding press conferences. It’s skipping a Super Bowl interview. And, post-debate, it’s “just 32 minutes of combined public comments over 5 days, none of it off the cuff.”
Biden thought he had it under control. Then it got The inside story of the Biden team’s failure over nine days to contain the crisis from his debate with Trump.
but the fact that there is anyone to whom that matters with regards to whether or not they vote for Biden or Trump is utterly insane, deranged, and the fault of the information sources people consume.
Them’s the breaks in a democracy.
come on, clearly not the breaks for republicans. I assumed from your research on how protest movements have to grapple with media coverage shaping their playing field you'd have a more full view of the agents at play.
I hear you making two points: 1/ the media exhibit a variety of biases; 2/ a lot of voters are shockingly ill-informed. I don’t disagree with either. Both were at play in 1960s, too (Southern newspapers were mostly pro-segregation, Non-southern white voters largely ignored Jim Crow).
In modern era, additional challenge is that there is so much non-news entertainment media that even many people who in past might have had some news exposure now live on a diet of sports, reality tv, etc. Is this grim? Yah. Does Democratic Party have to play with the hand they're dealt? Also yes.
I don't entirely know what you see the result of non-news media as being but if people are seeing the debate then they're seeing other coverage as well and therefore are definitionally having their views shaped by that other coverage and the opinions of their friends(who also intake information)...
as for dealing with the hand we're dealt, it has been explicitly telegraphed that when they're done ratfucking biden they're going to ratfuck kamala just as badly if not worse. No Democrat will ever be good enough for the media and so we can't "play" by just giving in all the time
No one forced Biden to hold debate in June, his team orchestrated that. No one forced Biden to go five days following debate without unscripted public comments. There’s lots to criticize in the media but idea that Biden’s team isn’t centrally responsible for this disaster is basic scapegoating.