Erik Engberg

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Erik Engberg

Norwegian spending most of his time reading, and some of the time writing.

He/him unless there's like a group setting, then it's they/them
Sommeren 2005 så jeg storebror med denne boka, og ble med en gang nysgjerrig. Sommeren 2024 lånte jeg den endelig av han og leste den! Synes den var veldig god, selv om "rasebeskrivelser" er litt utdaterte (fra tidlig 90tall). #lesesky
This is REALLY good and everyone should listen.
Was awesome to join on the Factually show to talk about the AI bubble and the general state of the tech industry.
The A.I. Bubble is Bursting with Ed Big tech is betting tens of billions of dollars on AI being the next big thing, but what if it isn't? ChatGPT burns obscene amounts of cash daily with little return, Google's AI dispenses useless and sometimes dangerous advice, and a recent study showed that tech companies will soon run out of new training data to improve their AI models. If AI is really so costly, unreliable, and limited, what happens to the industry that has bet so big on it? This week, Adam talks with journalist and influential tech critic Ed Zitron of to discuss the impending burst of the AI bubble, the hubris of Silicon Valley, and how we suffer under big tech's "Rot Economy." SUPPORT THE SHOW ON PATREON: SEE ADAM ON TOUR: SUBSCRIBE to and RATE Factually! on: » Apple Podcasts: » Spotify: About Headgum: Headgum is an LA & NY-based podcast network creating premium podcasts with the funniest, most engaging voices in comedy to achieve one goal: Making our audience and ourselves laugh. Listen to our shows at » SUBSCRIBE to Headgum: » FOLLOW us on Twitter: » FOLLOW us on Instagram: » FOLLOW us on TikTok: » Advertise on Factually! via
Since The Original Series is no longer on the logical and rightful streaming service I have, I'm thisclose to watching The Next Generation instead. Will try to resist since 7 seasons is such a giant commitment. Maybe I'll read a Star Trek book instead.
The soundtrack for X-Men '97 is good, but I have to stop looking at the titles of the tracks now because I'm not done and there might be spoilers!
Reposted byAvatar Erik Engberg
Kendrick shouldn’t be president but he should be allowed to determine the Democratic Party nominee
Important question: does ACAB include the X-Men?
Listening to Elliott Smith for the first time as far as I know, and it is very good!
I'm watching Pushing Daisies (🏴‍☠️) because the show I wanted to watch is no longer on the streaming service that made/own it, and it's so nice and weird to watch a network show from the 2000s again! Haven't seen anything like this in ages. Also streaming just fucking sucks?
I'm not an expert but everything I know about space makes me think we'll never actually leave this planet, and Elon filling near orbit with space garbage means we'll lose the possibility to even have space stations within 50 years.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Engberg
Har bestilt opp klistremerker til koret mitt, så nå skal byen lære seg navnet vårt
Reposted byAvatar Erik Engberg
Just finished a first draft of a second short story, and I haven't even gotten around to publish the first one! Need to get on that!
Reposted byAvatar Erik Engberg
Man kan si mye om fast fashion men én fin ting er at det lar til og med jeg kjøpe meg noe nytt og fint innimellom.
De ekleste drømmene er de hvor du våkner opp gjentatte ganger (i drømmen) før du innser at, nei, dette er ikke mitt hus/leilighet/rom, og så havner på er nytt nivå som du (i drømmen) tror er ekte, og de ekle tingene fortsetter å skje. Har aldri ligget 25 minutter senere og fortsatt følt ubehag før.
Lå i en bestemt stilling, halvveis dekt av teppet, og hadde en lengre pågående, vel, drøm, hvor ekle, til dels interessante ting skjedde med meg på et soverom som ikke var vårt. Da jeg kom meg tilbake til sengen og begynte å kysse min partners lår, men samtidig visste at det var en annen entitet /1
At the halfway point of 2024, it sure looks like the wild dream of averaging 100 songs per day for an entire year is achievable! #lastfm
I thought Pretty Little Liars: Summer School was a lot of fun! I wouldn't mind if they made another season!
After a busy long weekend with aunt's wedding and lots of time with extended family it is finally time for this week's ‼️‼️‼️ And I know it's gonna be be good because it always is!!! $3 a month! Get on it!
C, XOXO is the first album I've ever heard by an artist I like where I have to SKIP songs because they're really bad. Fuck this. Twentysomethings sounds nice tho
Listening to the new Camila Cabello album and it's so fucking bad I'm crying :( I'm at like a trio of songs that are just Drake? God awful shit.
In a hypothetical Eiffel tower situation, I'd want Trump near my ass and Biden in my mouth. They're both 85 so most likely they're both impotent, so Trump would do no damage to my ass, while Biden probably has a big hog I'd be able to have some fun with even if flaccid.
Reposted byAvatar Erik Engberg
the far right and the far left want Joe Biden to be "young" and "hot" 🙄 share this post if you would fuck Joe Biden no matter what!
Avatar (I'm not hating) but (I've been at my aunt's wedding) and have to scroll back a full 24 hours and (it's hell) so I REALLY (want you to) prioritize timeline to start from where I left off (instead of most recent post) but I've had 12 beers so understand if you can't (but REALLY want u to
Biblioteket mitt kunne på Facebook informere meg at om fredagens foredrag om hvordan AI kan redde liv ikke var nok, kommer det et nytt foredrag om hvordan AI kan redde liv senere. Så jeg logget av.
Det er helt absurd at Værnes ikke har Urge, som om nordmenn skulle ønske seg noe annet som siste/første før/etter utenlandstur.
Det er provoserende når nettsider tvinger meg til å akseptere cookies FØR de forteller meg at jeg må betale for å lese artikkelen. Burde ikke vært den rekkefølgen.
Synes det burde være ulovlig å skru opp lyden når det er reklame faktisk.