Director, Basque Space Program

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Director, Basque Space Program

Sr. Tech PM and Product Owner building tools for Public Health Surveillance; Occasional Data Witch; Former goatherd & Humanitarian Data Privacy.
Francis Leiber is instructive here.
There is a long strain of American legal and political ethical thinking that makes this very argument, but it has been tossed in recent decades by the Federalist Society project to replace presidents with kings
I would argue that modern conservatism demands rights without any corresponding obligation or duty to each other and society. And rights without that reciprocity engenders oppression, lawlessness and disorder;
i really hate how Duty is often portrayed as a right wing virtue we all have a duty to our families, loved ones, friends, to each other —even strangers, and also a duty to fight for a better world, even when it seems hopeless
We should have three presidents per ticket: 1st shift president, 2nd shift president, and Waffle-house chair girl
my hot take is that the president should be and live like a normal human, and so I reject the premise that the president must work 130 hour weeks and never be well-rested. he has dozens of staffers who can cover shifts!
There’s an obvious undercurrent in all of this suggesting that whatever the Democrats do to resolve this problem needs to be entertaining to journalists. And I gotta be honest I’m not sure that’s very important.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
“Faced w/the choice of another four years of Biden/Harris or the gravy train of Trump, the press has openly picked Trump. Even before the debate, the media studiously minimized Trump’s criminal convictions, fascist rantings, verbal diarrhea & his use of language literally out of Hitler’s playbook.”
Biden “has been competently boring, passing a roster of better than anticipated legislative achievements that have led to low unemployment, low fuel prices, massive infrastructure investment & now-declining inflation. This is great for America but it sucks for the bank accounts of most journalists.”
Bonapartism rearing its ugly head would be about on par for the way the 21st century seems to be going
I am glad this piece about the Heritage Foundation threatening civil war if the left doesn’t accept a monarchy came out in the WaPo. More like this, please.
it’s a circular firing problem, because the dems described here — probably not the majority of electeds, but definitely not a small group — are the ones who live and die by the latest elite media column.
I see this problem with some rank and file Dems too. It's like they conflate Trump loyalists with undecideds and think the undecideds can't be moved by reminding them how awful Trump is. Which is why many of these Dems are so obsessed with replacing Biden with a magical Johnny Unbeatable now.
I know that a DSA endorsement means a lot for campaigns because they put their whole asses into doing field work for you, but at a certain point you have to wonder if the calculus for candidates changes given how big of a liability the DSA can be
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome
Breaking news: President Biden and his senior team said they accepted the grim ultimatum they’ve been hearing from almost all quarters of the Democratic Party — to demonstrate his fitness for office or face a significant effort to force him to step aside.
Biden and aides concede he needs to quickly demonstrate his fitness for Critics have been shaken by his relative inaction to directly address the panic ignited by his halting debate performance last Thursday.
there's a certain irony that liberals who have spent four years yelling at leftists who criticize Biden at all for any reason have now, in one week, done more damage to Biden's candidacy than all those leftists combined
I think the freakout has been absurd and overblown and far more damaging than the debate itself, which would have been survivable if everyone had been willing to circle the wagons and push back on it I am, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, extremely concerned that the damage cannot be overcome
heartily agree that this is extremely terrible and should come to an end immediately if not sooner
To be fair the U.S. predilection to call people by a position they no longer hold is equally baffling to me. “President Trump” “General Petraeus” etc.
Russia citizen with suspected links to Russian intelligence who has a sizable social media following in the US uses his platform to inject chaos into the US presidential election and encourage Americans who might be open to voting Biden to throw their vote away instead, you say? Huh. Whad'ya know.
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
"The Union Forever" is true liberal-left solidarity. "We will drag your perverse slave society into the fucking future whether you want it or not, we are ready to do the same for every generation of yours until they stop fighting" Shit just does go hard
Ah fuck. Everyone who told me Chevron being overturned wouldn’t matter can kindly have a seat now. I don’t really consider myself an expert in much but considering I’ve been working in health regs for the past almost 8 years, I knew this was 100% coming. I just didn’t think it would be so fast 😭
Days after the Chevron ruling a corporate healthcare system - which doesn’t pay any taxes despite being a profit-driven business - is now suing Medicare so that they can collect more *tax dollars* w/o having to meet the standards of care set by CMS. Some CMS regulations may be silly but this is bad.
Hackensack Meridian sues HHS secretary in wake of Chevron Learn about the recent lawsuit filed by Hackensack Meridian Health against HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra challenging his interpretation of Medicare statutes.
If you can make the other side start eating themselves, all kinds of incredible things are possible. That’s a solid lesson.
I’ve been doing normal American things so correct me if I’m wrong but it sure seems like Reform and the Torries are splitting a lot of votes which is why Labor is feasting? Am I wrong here?
Explaining how to make a basil plant get really big to this evening and I said “basically you need to edge it all summer.”
This is a provocative but compelling argument for reining in SCUTS' lawlessness by eliminating or at least heavily curbing judicial review (which they just made up anyways)
The Case Against Judicial If Democrats don’t bring the Supreme Court to heel, Americans will live under judicial despotism for the foreseeable future.
Fucking unbelievable that the big publications are running with this as the lead story after the Supreme Court just promised to install a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist as Emperor for Life.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
FDR was one of our greatest presidents. . . .
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
That last bit is the most Olivia Nuzzi thing ever.
Amazing the Olivia Nuzzi story can’t get a single person to go on the record, and the strongest evidence against Biden’s mental health is he didn’t remember her name.
It’s legitimately amazing no donor would give their name to call Biden old or forgetful.
Amazing the Olivia Nuzzi story can’t get a single person to go on the record, and the strongest evidence against Biden’s mental health is he didn’t remember her name.
So in these trying times, we must *come* together
Well, I think we’ve got the new Biden campaign messaging strategy
Jesus Chris this is a banger
“Look, folks. There are no “gooner states” and “edging states”, we are the United States!”
This is even funnier in context gdi Chris.
“Look, folks. There are no “gooner states” and “edging states”, we are the United States!”
Starying to feel hard to avoid the conclusion that this gang up on Biden is the mostly white Beltway press being Big Mad that the last president was chosen by Black voters who DGAF about their dipshit endorsement and by golly they are determined those lessers will not do it again
This is literally the entirety of why Sulz has lost his shit. Black voters showing that he isn't even an afterthought in this nations actual political calculus. He thinks defecting to Trump will get him relevance
"Why do they laugh at my mighty endorsement?"
In the park by our flat in Vancouver. Sorry (saw-ry) you aren’t here.