
Without thinking, I reported his behavior to the property manager. I should fucking know better by now. By your two hundredth rodeo you should have this figured out.
The property manager is a company
Well that gives me a small amount of hope that they actually have a protocol for this type of thing that doesn’t endanger their clients. It might be worth reaching out again to highlight that you feel unsafe and they really shouldn’t have disclosed any reason for moving to a second contractor
Either way, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. That sucks so hard and I hope it can be resolved quickly and without anymore altercations
Thank you. Anyway this weekend I'm going to submit claims for the items that were damaged by water. Recall, my insurance is through the property managers (because they are highway robbers who insisted on it). So if they *dare* try to deny a claim... Hope they enjoy replacing this $200 tuba case
That's a terrific point. I'll raise it next time I talk to them.