
A huge tell (at least in my area) that normal people actually aren’t doing well in this economy is the almost complete lack of fireworks this year. I’ve only heard maybe two or three tonight and nothing before that. Really believe people straight up just can’t afford it.
my sister in law and her family usually have a massive thing go with tons of fireworks but this year they're not doing anything cuz they can't afford it. this is the first year they've not done this in over a decade to my knowledge
Like I seriously feel this has to be an impact for a lot of people? I remember neighbors years ago back in my hometown spending a hundred or so on fireworks, even on at least some sort of budget because that was their thing. I fee like we don’t see that as much anymore.
Jesus where do you live & can I move there
I’m nearby the uptown Cub but surprisingly I haven’t heard much this year. Maybe I’m comparing it to the past few where people normally light fireworks on the greenway bridges almost nightly? It’s usually really active for the few weeks leading up but it’s been rather quiet.
Not sure if it’s just not echoing through here or if people are maybe staying away because of contraction? But I truly haven’t heard anything over this way myself or seen anyone lighting Roman candles.
Was a fucking conflagration in Kingfield last night, there’s definitely money here but plenty of folks on margins
Damn that sucks. I know I’ve seen larger fireworks from that way when watching from the roof years past. I wonder if people are avoiding construction here or taking them elsewhere? Uptown is always weird because it’s such a mix of those money and people struggling to pay rent, but it’s been quiet
I guess we shall see the final verdict tonight on whether the greenway bridge crew comes by to wildly fire them off, but it’s been odd that there’s really not been anything so far. It’s usually the whole last week of June at least.