
I completely agree that the economy will always be the primary concern, but this is an election about turnout. And issues like Biden’s age are the kind of thing that turns otherwise disengaged “maybe I should vote” voters into “what’s the point if they’re both old senile men” non-voters.
Biden is unpopular because Americans are unhappy with economic/political conditions and they blame the sitting president for it, not because he's old, and any other Democrat would be saddled with the same issues
Also, Gaza. Lot of people going to boycott from that or back RFK Jr over it (even though Kennedy is to the right of Biden on Gaza, but a lot of people think he isn't).
Absolutely. Gaza is in that same category of issues that won't make someone vote for Trump but might make someone stay home because "what's the point?"
Especially young voters. Not that they turn out in droves but we've seen how close states can be.
Europeans were surprised to hear “the problem for the base is Gaza. How do you support genocide? But how do you then not oppose someone who would do it even more? This is the difficulty, for me at least”
there it is right there. it's very minor differences in degree and not kind. why should I put my support behind one or another? they're both going to do the exact same genocide at slightly different rates
please just sit with that instead of trying to counterargue
That's me. I oppose Trump, but I can't vote for or materially support someone financing and enabling genocide. No matter how much worse the alternative, I can't support genocide. If I could support genocide in the event that the alternative was sufficiently bad, where would I be morally?
Four hours ago when you skeeted this I'd be fully onboard, now I am wondering how many people who support Gazans will also support the guy who posed next to a dog corpse he was eating for comedic effect.
Kind of depending on a whole generation of voters who do not really remember the 2000 election to suddenly realize turnout, especially in certain states, is what will shift the 2024 election one way or the other.
"Especially in certain states" even feels like an understatement. The entire election hinges on what 10,000 people in seven states decide to do.
Fellas I was 16 in 2000. I’m thirty fucking nine now. There are lots of us. We remember.
I hope you’re simply assuming here because the stupidity of that sort of non-voter mindset is truly appalling.