Seth Masket

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Seth Masket

"A very accessible, very interesting, non-bombastic political scientist." -Jonah Goldberg
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Tories working really hard to come in third in a two party system
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I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend, but I really deeply dislike Mastodon’s vibe. It’s like being trapped at a party with two other people: one who demands you debate them on whether Dick York or Dick Sargent was the better Darrin, and one who becomes irate that you said the word “Dick.”
Celebrating my revolutionary forebears by not paying taxes
I don’t know how to explain to our nation’s top editorial boards that the Democratic Party is an actual organization with a lot of rules and history to it, not just a store that distributes team jerseys, and it has already selected delegates to its nominating convention.
Cannot emphasize enough how pathetic these editorial boards are revealing themselves to be.
Trump organized an insurrection, got some of his closest allies and hundreds of supporters jailed for it, got impeached and indicted in multiple criminal cases for it, ended the US's tradition of peaceful transitions of power, and last week promised he'd do it all again. And this is the headline.
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
US media has gone nuts. Let's turn on a functional news channel in a country having a national election today and OH COME ON
We don’t talk enough about how Michael Corleone was a law-abiding war hero until he was radicalized by police brutality
In fairness, it isn't just the NYT. A search on Access World News (state and local papers) for these terms since 6/27 yields the following: "Trump accept election results" - 160 stories "Biden age" - 1,077 stories
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Blaming leftists for leftist bullshit or blaming centrists for centrist bullshit, anyone can do that. But blaming leftists for the failures of a centrist politician? That takes Yascha Mounk.
How America Got Into This The Democrats have for too long prized polite lies over uncomfortable truths.
I’m not saying the paper of record is trying to hound the president from office out of a fit of pique because he won’t sit down for an interview, but if it were, how different would things look?
NYT blasts Biden for avoiding The Times in a statement called it “troubling” that Biden “has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term.”
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honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
Reposted byAvatar Seth Masket
Roses are red Violets are bloomin
Remember when politicians were diagnosing Terri Schiavo over videotape? And they were wildly wrong? Don't fucking do this.
I'm old enough to remember when everyone agreed it would be unprofessional and unethical to diagnose Trump as a sociopath
Hey who doesn't love an extremely non-specific sandwich
New at Tusk: Are we witnessing a Pundit's Veto of a party's nomination? Or a form of post hoc peer review by party leaders?
Is a party that would dump Biden weak or strong? It's not clear if we're looking at Peer Review or a Pundit's Veto
Write your next book about the Republicans, I said. The Democratic nomination will be a snooze, I said.
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I’m sure you would find the same sort of thing in the US if we had trains
Transit funding = antifascist praxis
Women: We would like any pockets at all please. Dockers: Okay, men, here's an extra pocket you didn't even know you needed!
Yes, the convicted felon and insurrection organizer was also a close confidant of the Mr. Roarke of Pedophilia Island, which means we should focus even harder on Biden’s age
Reposted byAvatar Seth Masket
constitutional lawyers use your fucking brain challenge
[Court rules that all children should be ground up and eaten] NYT: For conservatives, the prospect of ceaseless cycles of people complaining there's nothing new in the pantry might not be in the best interest of the country.
Writing for the NYT requires either having or pretending to have a degree of gullibility that could not occur in the wild
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Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Biden is unpopular because Americans are unhappy with economic/political conditions and they blame the sitting president for it, not because he's old, and any other Democrat would be saddled with the same issues
o well anyway