
new haters and losers just dropped
Hey look, Trump is already mentioning Willie Brown, surely Kamala won’t have any electoral vulnerabilities since she takes the age issue off the table
I still don’t understand what the scandal there is supposed to be. Harris and Brown dated very openly and he had been separated from his wife for years. Is there more to the story than that?
Anything can and will be turned into a scandal for any Dem candidate just like Biden’s age with the help of the press and anxious Dem insiders. Trump will say Kamala slept her way to the top with a much older man and will do it no matter how many Dem fingers wag at him saying it’s unfair.
"just like Biden’s age" suggests you think a sundowning president is equivalent to any run-of-the-mill scandal that's otherwise irrelevant to being president and we're going to have to disagree there.
I don’t see Harris’s weaknesses and potential countermoves being gamed out at all by supporters of a switch and I don’t see the fight on her behalf when she doesn’t poll as well as Trump either being any less dithering. Biden’s age can be swapped out for any other attack line against any candidate.
While I agree that any other line of attack will start for other candidates, that's just politics. I genuinely believe Biden is too old to be president, and 86% of Americans agreed with that opinion *before* the debate. This isn't just another political scandal. It's qualitatively different.
If the switch does get made I don’t think it will change the underlying dynamics of the race all that much and that will breed a whole other round of anxiety. I’m just not convinced Biden’s age is as salient as that 86% figure suggests in terms of voting preference.
I think it's a reasonable fear that swapping Biden won't actually fix it. But I personally think virtually any mainstream Dem under the age of 65 can beat Trump. Because as the polls stand now, Biden is on track to lose against a literal fascist. It shouldn't even be close and yet here we are.
“I am concerned about Biden’s age” is not the same as “I am ready for democracy to end”