
Pirate all retro video games. Illegally download whatever retro game you want to play, use flash carts, burn discs, mod your consoles, install emulators, keep hard drives filled with ROMs, share files with friends and family.
The lobbyists of our world will not allow libraries to properly archive retro games. Since the government will not preserve them, the people have and will lead the charge. Piracy is the answer.
“But those preservationists continue to face pushback from industry trade groups, which worry that an exemption would open a legal loophole for "online arcades" that could give members of the public free, legal, and widespread access to copyrighted classic games.” That sounds like another positive.
They're threatening us with a really good time? Okay then...
Games & IPs that the owners do literally nothing with in the vast majority of cases (barring a few large, well established IP). I could understand it if they were making them legally available. But they aren't. So fuck em.
i'll happily buy any decent collection of retro games but companies have made it clear over and over they have no interest in treating their libraries as more than promotional tools. experiencing things as close to the original intended method as possible should be encouraged, not punished
NES - Check out our new game, Super Mario Bros! :) SNES - Look, we made it 16 bit! GBC - Check out these cool bonus features! GBA - Same game, buy it again Wii - Same game, buy it again 3DS - Same game, buy it again Wii U - Same game, buy it again Switch - Same game, pay for it forever 🙃
Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the LOVELY time when handheld games were re-released with NO way to access multiplayer, only until ONLY the Pokémon GB/C games on 3DS VC and now on NSO GB & GBA. It was weird to me even back then on Wii U GBA when Advance Wars released & I saw only one article about it
God speaking of... Did that Advance Wars remake ever come out???
It did! Last year in fact Even got voice acting, but I guess the delay put a damper on attention for it. Plus how for some they got to access it early from the pre-load
I feel like it was mostly bad timing because real wars started happening and that probably made marketing very very very very fucking difficult lmao 💀 NGL I want it but I'm not giving Nintendo money right now lol
"What about N64?" "We don't talk about N64."
Yeah, AFAIK there was no standalone version of SMB1 on GameBoy, DSi, N64 or GameCube I know you can play SMB1 in Animal Forest and Animal Crossing if you have a Gameshark so that crosses N64 and Gamecube off the list...
Technically there's no way to play on DS through the DS slot either but on original DS and DS Lite you *can* play the GBA remake of SMB1 using the GBA port. Not aware of any way you can trick an original GB into booting SMB1 Deluxe though...
i guess you could also play the NES classics GBA version of SMB on the gamecube through the game boy player but you probably shouldn't!
"if buying isn't owning, piracy isn't theft", as some people on the internet (myself included) think sometimes
can’t help but hear this as Divine’s speech in Pink Flamingos. oh and hard agree.
I thought the same thing after I posted this lol. Not my original intent, but I’m happy it reads this way.
Hahaha I’m very happy to hear that
I was thinking Trainspotting, but either way lol
Maybe we can combine the two... Now THAT's the buddy action movie the world needs. :P
"the industry worries about" damn i had no idea the industry was a person and that i should care about what they think
It’d be cool if the capitalist industry was a person because that means they have a neck that could fit in a guillotine
Everything not saved will be lost.
See if AI were actually useful for anything people would use it to inject this into that one Divine scene about politics
And speaking of AI, it made it perfectly clear that these companies don't give a rat's ass about intellectual property "How dare you copy our stuff, now if you'll excuse us the MPAA is suing us for about eleventy quintillion dollars"
Still waiting for a playable online version of Silhouette Mirage
Also make sure to pirate those really weird ones too!
Yup, if they don’t want to sell you a game then fuck em. Play the game however you can.
I wonder what the law says about "theft" that does not have an associated monetary damage value? Data can be perfectly copied infinite times, and economic scarcity theory says that means it's worthless. So how do they expect to file for damages when what I've "taken" isn't even for sale?
They'll call it prospective theoretical profit that you stole from them by downloading and sharing a property that they might sell in the future.
Counterpoint, that sounds a lot like something I'd find on the "futures" market on a stock exchange. And that means it doesn't (yet) exist. Which means that since it doesn't exist right now, I can't steal it right now.
So if I get it now, without paying for it, when they aren't selling it now, they can't charge me for a crime I haven't committed yet because it's not on sale yet. It's like charging me with exploding an atom bomb because I know the theory of how one works. Ridiculous on it's face.
They would equate it to an item sitting in a shop that isn't for sale but you take it anyway. Even though that doesn't make sense because it's more like you are taking a copy of it while leaving the original. They'd say that you deprived them of the money you would spend when they try to sell you it
The modern industry at large doesn't deserve the lengths we're going through to archive their work, so we'll just keep doing it without them.
And most importantly, copy that floppy, download that car!
holy shir it's the sega saturn panda
Piracy is the reason I was able to play the original thief trilogy again. At the time, it wasn't available on steam, or anywhere really. It is a form of media preservation, when rights holders won't make it available.