
Noel Casler 🧵 1. When Trump had COVID he made the Secret Service drive him around the campus of Walter Reed so he could wave to his freak supporters (who made loud noise day & night next door NIH-keeping patients up, including kids) they gave him steroids so he could do it. Barely mentioned.
Noel Casler 🧵 2. He wanted to wear a f*cking Superman costume under his shirt and rip it open as he exited hospital. (His aides talked him out, damn them) he settled for a Mark Burnett scripted helicopter live shot that followed him along the Potomac at sunset. Political theater, he wheezed as..
Noel Casler 🧵 3. He dramatically tore off mask on White House balcony after barely making it up the stairs. We were still losing many thousands of Americans to COVID/no vax yet & Captain Valtrex was worried about appearing week. A couple months later Joe Biden beat him. He will again. Vote Blue.