
Is it going to be a real crash that has actual effects on the real economy or is it just going to affect the fake grifter economy like when NFTs crashed.
The thing about NFT is that it was all just files on a server. With AI, companies have been shelling out real money for real infrastructure creating huge real datacenters. Me thinks the crash is going to be significant if it happens and all this hardware starts sitting idle.
Probably big fish like Microsoft can use or rent out the compute capacity for some kind of socially useful work, but the smaller companies founded in the middle of the AI bubble aren't long for this world
Yeah. The plus side is that all of this excess computing power is going to make access to high-power computing cheap in the short term.
I'm trying to think what the next scam will be after AI tanks, and I'm guessing digital immortality.
I’m guessing biotech, which will have lots of cool innovations so will then be inevitably overhyped to hell and back by the bros.
Elisabeth Holmes thought *she* could run a scam. These AI bros are schooling her and her lightweight ilk so merciless hard.
The real question is what’s gonna happen with all the overpowered GPU sold for a dime a dozen after the crash. I fear we might see a second boom of AI endeavours with much more nefarious motives