The Partial Historians 🏺

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The Partial Historians 🏺

After surviving exposure at birth, these unconventional academics realised they were destined to found the greatest Ancient Roman History podcast! 🏛📯⚔️
#ReliefWednesday It’s always a tough time for a Roman emperor when they get crowned by their mum. Nero wasn’t into it by the end and it doesn’t look like Caracalla here is having a great time… no spoilers but this might end badly 😅 🏛 National Museum, Warsaw 🏺AncientBluesky
A stunning example of a funerary portrait comes from the Fayum in Egypt ~ C2nd CE Her dress and jewellery suggest a life of some affluence or certainly the desire for abundance in the afterlife. Her arresting gaze ensures her memory still lives on even today. 🏛 KM, Vienna 🏺AncientBluesky
#MosaicMonday Sometimes the start of week really hits 💀 This piece is sometimes referred to as the ‘carpe diem’ mosaic, but realistically this individual appears to be seizing jugs not days and may benefit from a bit of yoga to loosen up those hips! 🏛MAN Napoli, inv. 9978
We had a lovely time today chatting with Lexie from The Ozymandias Project and Megan from Digital Hammurabi about the original #Gladiator. There’s plenty to enjoy and discuss when it comes to reception on film - watch this space! 🏺AncientBluesky
#FrescoFriday This fresco is an absolute favourite of mine. The figure is sometimes identified as the goddess Flora or Persephone. With her back to the viewer, she holds a cornucopia and seems to be in a pensive moment picking flowers. 🏛 MAN Napoli, inv 8834 🏺AncientBluesky
✨Brand New Episode – Victory at Last! ✨ Rome is beset with difficulties, including wars, trials, and scandals. But by the end of the year, the plebeians will score an impressive victory in the Struggle of the Orders!! #AncientRome #History #Podcast
Episode 152 - Victory at Last! - The Partial Rome is dealing with wars and scandals but by the end of the year, the plebeians will score an impressive victory.
#ReliefWednesday With all the building excitement for #Gladiator2, let’s look at a representation of gladiators from ancient Rome. Here we see a combat against a retiarius called Improbus! 🕰️C3rd CE 🏛Baths of Diocletian 📸Carole Raddato
For #EpigraphyTuesday, from yesterday's visit to the #Istanbul Archaeological Museum, a bronze tablet in which the council, people, and Roman businessmen of Assos swear an oath of allegiance to the new emperor Caligula in 37 CE. (1/2) 🏺 AncientBlueSky #RomanArchaeology #Turkiye
Our new book ‘Your Cheeky Guide to the Roman Empire’ has been getting a good spit and polish. We’ve been busy working with the editorial team at Ulysses Press to finalise all the gritty details about Rome from love in unexpected places to military outings that could have gone better!
#MosaicMonday Here a cat appears to be catching a bird while a lower panel shows ducks, birds, and fish seemingly unaware of the cat lurking so close by! Clearly these are two different registers. 📍 House of the Faun, Pompeii 📸 Carole Raddato 🏛 MAN Napoli 🏺AncientBluesky
Unexpected pleasures! Dr Rad and I live in the same city but not very close to each other so running into each other at a historical fair yesterday was quite the pleasant surprise. Somehow we ended up in a Roman tent 😅
Attic Greek terracotta oinochoe ~ C4th BCE This scene depicts the personification of procession Pompe standing between Dionysos and Eros. Dionysos is recognisable on account of his thyrsus and scene is likely to be the lead up to a sacrifice to him. 🏛The Met 🏺AncientBluesky
#FrescoFriday It’s that time of the week to call up your lady pals and get to organising a Bacchic revel of some kind! Take inspiration from the Villa of Mysteries at Pompeii and you’ll definitely be on the right track for a memorable weekend 🍇 🏺AncientBluesky
✨Early Release✨ We sit down with LJ Trafford to discuss her latest book on the emperors of Rome that deserve to be in the dustbin! You can find this early release over on our patreon: #AncientRome #History #Podcast
Special Episode - Ancient Rome's Worst Emperors with LJ Trafford | The Partial Get more from The Partial Historians on Patreon
For #ReliefWednesday, from Sunday's visit to the Archaeological Museum of Delphi, a frieze from the theater depicting scenes from the labors of Hercules; the centaur Nessus, the Lernaean Hydra, and meeting Antaeus. Second century CE. (1/2) 🏺 AncientBlueSky #RomanArchaeology #Greece
#ReliefWednesday The details of the lower panels of the Ara Pacis are spectacular. The scrolling patterns of the acanthus foliage first catch the eye, but animals are hidden within and the panels are framed by more floral scrollwork and an intricate meander pattern. Beautiful! 🏺 AncientBluesky
Well, it’s tough but I guess we’ll just have go to the cinemas and then record an episode where Dr Rad brings her film analysis to the table!
#MosaicMonday The monochromatic mosaic style was popular with great examples in Rome and Ostia. This example comes from the Villa della Pisanella in Boscoreale, near Pompeii. A stork and snake appear together against the plain white background but are they fated to conflict? 🏺AncientBluesky
Maps are fabulous for coming to grips with ancient places and for aiding the visualisation. Rome’s evolution from dwellings on hills to a monumental city that was the centre of Mediterranean politics is aptly conveyed through maps. What maps of the ancient world do you love? 🏺AncientBluesky
Throwback to Dr G’s summer in Rome in MMXXIII. Who knew Augustus was larger than life? Certainly makes the man seem even more intimidating than his ruthless politics. 🏛 Palazzo Massimo 🏺AncienyBluesky
#FrescoFriday The weekend is nearly here and that means (hopefully!) gathering together with loved ones and sharing a meal or a feast. Watch out for the hare though, they are already tucking into the delicious grapes 🍇 🏛MAN Napoli 📸 Carole Raddato 🏺AncientBluesky
#ReliefWednesday Roman terracotta antefix ~ c. C1st BCE–C1st CE This beautiful antefix puts a whole new spin on decorative roofing! Venus and Mars are paired together, and there’s a great deal of remaining paint pigment to enjoy. Glorious! 🏛The Met #AncientRome 🏺ClassicsBluesky
#MosaicMonday Cave canem! This mosaic from Pompeii appears to depict a guard dog. This combined with the apparent weapons on display offers clear warning to any who cross this doorstep! 📸 Wolfgang Reiger 🏺AncientBluesky
Gold wreath with a bee and cicadas ~ c. 350–300 BCE The oak leaves of this wreath are formed from two gold branches joined by a bee. On each side are a number of acorns and a cicada. The effect is beautiful! 🏛 The BM 🏺ClassicsBluesky #AncientHistory