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Mixed-race, fat, sapphic, polyam, trans, heavy left/socialist leaning. She/her. 52. Musician, gamer, cat fanatic.
Thanks to everyone who gave advice on the Stardew Valley situation; By the sheer magic of pernicious fate, finally giving up hope and complaining about it resulted in the replacement sheet turning up on my doorstep this evening out of the blue (with no ship notice or anything). So I have them now!
I'm really sad that I bought Stardew Valley (the board game) and I'll probably never get to play it because it's missing an entire sheet of tokens and the manufacturer isn't responding to submissions for replacements.
I have somehow become the kind of person who downloads different smartwatch faces to match her outfit.
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Sorry everything is bad and scary. Here’s a photo of Hosta asleep in her cat carrier.
Uuuuuugghh. I don't think I can go to the main Pride parade, which our whole weekend has been working toward. My foot injury is acting up, probably in the wake of the Trans March. :(
I made steak for the first time in my entire life, and it wasn't terrible! I didn't even kill Honey or anything!
Trying to get a nice photo of your trans march outfit is difficult! (Mostly because I really need the whole floor-to-ceiling look, but also the small details, and those are at odds.)
Honey bought me this shirt to wear at Pride! It... kinda works, hey? Um.
If someone does something awful, call them out for their behaviour. If they happen to be fat and you lump that in with their behaviour, that's fatphobic and implies that you think being fat is comparable with whatever they did. Stop doing that.
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a special kind of conditioner (finished!)
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isn’t this green just suuuuch a perfect match for the luna moth skirt??? 🤭
By transposing just two letters, Cat Stevens gives us the work/life-balance anthem, "If you want to sign out, sign out!"
I just watched the first episode of the Dead Boy Detectives and one of the things that jumped out at me is that the closet in their office, which is in the UK, is stuffed with board games, including multiple editions of Clue, but Clue is published as "Cluedo" in the UK.
All belly aches aside, 10 cents each for a lime and a coconut is kind of a great deal.
Today's experiment: 60% corn juice, 40% water, 1 sachet of Crush pineapple flavouring. Verdict: Very good. The watering-down is required for the proper consistency. The pineapple and corn flavours mix well, with pineapple being dominant.
Huh. There's a board game from 1804 called, "The new game of Emulation: Designed for the Amusement of Youth of both Sexes and calculated to inspire their Minds with an Abhorrence of Vice and a Love of Virtue". That's a catchy title!
Dad's root beer zero sugar flavour sachet in a tall glass of milk: Divine.
The people in the room next to ours in this hotel have dogs. They've been barking nonstop since 7am or earlier. I'd really hoped for a relaxing sleep this morning.
I wore my swimsuit for the first time today, and it was with three other people present (and a handful of other hotel guests).
Peach and grape Oreos: Surprisingly bad! But entertaining?
Corn juice. It tastes like corn. It's... weird.
We accidentally look like the "every T4T couple" meme today.
Well, I'm leaving early tomorrow for Fredericton, returning mid next week. My mental state has been pretty bad lately, so my goal for this trip is pretty much just to keep my shit together. I guess I'll see y'all later.
Agent Gill from Hackers is the captain in Elsbeth!!
My date tonight asked me for pigtails, so I'm giving it a go. :)
Enjoying sapphic media is hard when you're desperately enamoured of someone you shouldn't be and you want to send them every artwork of femmes kissing and tell them they're the most beautiful thing in the world but instead you just don't.
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roxanna and loralyn (OC WIP)
I met some people today! I'm not even sure who all everyone was! But they were really cool. :) Meeting people is the bomb. (Like, I know who they were, but I don't know how to connect that with identities on social media.) was there!