
But of course he did.🤬🙄
There is so much we don't know. The tons of evidence taken from NYC and Palm Beach by the FBI
Can’t help but wonder if the FBI is in Trump’s pocket. Hate to even think that. But, damn.. Just like the Secret Service????????
IKR? There are Trumpers embedded in there, for sure. But hopefully a minority
We can tell, about some of them. Look at how gingerly they investigated the stolen national security documents at Mar a Lago… Didn’t even thoroughly go through the place!!!
Yep. They know damn well if they investigate thoroughly and deep, he is surefire a goner. That piece of dirt has criminal written all over his ugly mug and people know it. They bitch about compromising our NatSec yet not one jack has gone deep into if he shared or sold any TS docs.
I'm betting he sold them. How can the gov possibly not care.
The good guys are on it. I have to believe that or I couldn’t get outta bed ea day. But until Cannon et al, is gone, showing all the evid will ruin their case. Like not giving govt intel to Trump as candidate, the good guys are fully aware
He'd sell his mother for money if she was still around. 🤬
I think Jack Smith et al have all the goods. He just has to get Cannon off the case before he shows all his cards. They know- the good guys know.
I really hope you're right.