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GreyhoundLover LGBTQAlly VoteBlue BidenFan CancerSurvivor WineLearner/Seller FromNapaValley LetsTalkWine
Why is this so hard to understand?
Conservatives say raising the minimum wage would drive up inflation. But the federal minimum wage hasn't gone up since 2009. Average CEO pay has gone up about 60% since 2009. Whose pay is contributing to inflation?
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Democrats have a real shot at retaking the House Majority, but we must protect our Democratic incumbents. Here's the link for donating to the Democrats in the toughest races this fall. Please share this to your network! https://secure.actbl...
Donate to Support Vulnerable House Show your support with a contribution.
It's 68° at 11 pm here. I can finally sleep. Thank goodness tomorrow will only be 90°.
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Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Happy Friday morning, Bluesky ☕️ I have taken some more steps toward organizing a 24 Consumer strike in protest of SCOTUS. Please reply yes, aye or whatever your choice of support in the comments, so I can see if this will be viable. Thank you in advance
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Retired Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley spent plenty of time with both Biden & Trump. He says Biden is totally fit to be president, & Trump is a moron wannabe dictator who made many disparaging remarks about our wounded veterans. Deplorable. Vote Blue.
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Only ONE candidate needs to leave this race . TRUMP The incompetent, ignorant, lying, delusional, racist, 2x impeached ,fraudulent adjudicated sexual assualter, defamation guilty,"dictatorday1" Convicted Felon & accused with attempting a violent COUP vs U.S.A.🇺🇲 DANGER to 🇺🇸 and the 🌎
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
“I had nothing to do with her.” - Tяump on Stormy Daniels Lying liar lies.
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
But of course he did.🤬🙄
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
America will not be defeated by a racist rapist moron conman traitor. It just ain’t gonna happen. We the People got this. The final battle is in November. See you at the polls. Vote Blue.
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Why the hell is this not getting traction in the media?!!!
FACT: Donald Trump is in Jeffrey Epstein's newly released appointment logs. FACT: Donald Trump was sued by a woman who claims she was RAPED by Trump when she was a 12-year-old Epstein captive -- but the suit was dropped, 4 DAYS before the 2016 election, because of death threats.
Will this even be acknowledged by the magat crowd that trump rapes children?
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Ok, so I'm back to check in on what happened with this guy?
10 years ago a guy ran his mouth and sidelined my career for awhile. This week I’m on an interview panel for a job where he’s a candidate. I am 10,000% that petty.
It's going to be 104 today in Napa, CA. Ugh, what's your temp and where are you?
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
For some years, my former colleagues on the right tried to argue that I had brain worms if I would break a friendship or even a close relationship over Trumpism. I replaced "trump" with "david duke" and asked them to reconsider. That usually ended the discussions.
Classic American political dialogue is premised on the idea that we share fundamental values but disagree on how best to promote them. I haven’t believed this for a while. Other than “I prefer to be alive and not dead” and “I like pudding,” I do not share values with these people.
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Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
for USA friends who support Biden i did this , if you want
Reposted byAvatar Jenbo
Ack! It's gonna be hot as a mofo here this week. I don't have AC in my house.
I did it, I bought a new fridge. It's a French door, bottom freezer just like what I have now BUT the new one will actually keep the fridge cold *and* make ice. Delivery is July 12th and they'll haul away the old one. Fingers crossed I don't have catastrophic failure in the meantime.
What's everyone doing this weekend? I have a bank run after work, H&R Block to get some tax docs for mom, then I will swing by the farmers market. Sunday, my girlfriends are in Napa and we're all going to The Lincoln for an early dinner and more wine afterward.
Dear Chase Bank, thanks for taking my money and my mom's money, telling me transfers would be easy, and then making thibgs extra difficult. Fuck you and fuck all the way off. Jackwagons.