Pat Lewis

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Pat Lewis

Illustrator/cartoonist. He/him. Lover of vintage toys, tiki mugs, 1960s Disneyland, nachos, cats. AGENTS OF S.U.I.T. out now from Macmillan/First Second!
This has been a great resource for me and I'd recommend it to anyone who's interested in getting an agent or learning more about the process!
Hi. I’ve been answering your burning Publishing questions on Tumblr for like, a decade. There are thousands of posts on there! Chances are, if you’ve ever had a question for an agent, I have answered it. Check out the pinned FAQ post for a start, then dig in!
Ask the I'm Jennifer Laughran. I'm a Senior Agent at the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, representing great authors and illustrators of children's and YA books. I'm also a life-long bookseller and sloth fan. As...
Can you mute words on here? Just asking for my sanity!
"Regarding Henry" (1991): Harrison Ford plays an unscrupulous asshole who gets shot in the head and over the course of his recovery, learns to be a kinder and more thoughtful person.
Did you ever meet someone named April who was born in any other month?
I just want to say that I am INCREDIBLY jealous of everyone who can just reply to people's posts on here without a huge internal anxiety debate about it. It must be great to not constantly convince yourself that no one wants to hear your opinion.
When my wife works from home it forces me to take regular meal breaks; she's been at the office more lately and I'm just grazing on Doritos for nine hours straight
Not entirely unhappy it started to rain forcing my neighbor to stop setting off his backyard fireworks.
Very excited to start drawing Agents of S.U.I.T. book 4(!) real soon!
Why bother with debates? You gonna vote for whichever guy gets off the most zingers?
I like how the card store is just on the honor system with which envelope you take.
I know this isn't the traditional way to go about things, but if any agents who rep kids' graphic novels happen to see this and want to hit me up, it'd sure save me a crapload of time. No worries if not!
Some agents I queried want to know your Twitter handle; presumably to make sure you are ok at self-promotion and don't post PROBLEMATIC STUFF but I just read over my tweets from the last two years and they were pretty hilarious tbh
Sure-fire winner right here. I can't wait to read it!
THE CARTOONISTS CLUB, a new graphic novel, combines Raina Telgemeier & Scott McCloud’s trademark charm, reliability, and comics expertise to blend narrative, how-to, and the enchanting art of comics to inspire a new generation of young cartoonists. Coming from Scholastic/Graphix 4/1/2025!
I guess today I went from "seeking representation" to "ACTIVELY seeking representation." Wish me luck plz!
I don't mean to sound naïve, but do you guys seriously get 14-16 months to draw your graphic novels? I don't color AGENTS of S.U.I.T. (thanks, Wes!) but I typically turn around pencils/inks/lettering in just over 6 months total.
Here’s some math courtesy of Nate Powell to keep in mind when signing that graphic novel deal. #comics
My favorite thing is when people are nice to me
It's been Too Hot to Do Anything all week, and now it's Friday night and it's still too hot
Walked past my city councilman's house the other day and it smelled like WEED
What's this? Could I finally be working on a comic of my own in between other jobs? TIME WILL TELL
I just bought a slow-close toilet seat so gonna spend the next few hours playing with that, thanks
A good idea when starting an account on a new social media app (who isn't these days) is to have a familiar profile picture, a username that tells who you are, and at least one post already up before you send "follow me" requests. I'm probably not gonna follow you if I can't figure out who you are.
Like a lot of other artists on my feed, I set up an account with the new social media site Cara over the weekend (@patnlewis if you're curious) but I'm not happy about it. Social Media is getting more and more fragmented these days and it just feels like posting to the void with little interaction.
I hope Garry Trudeau is getting royalties for the Doonesbury panel everyone keeps reposting today.
COVER REVEAL: Agents of S.U.I.T.: Wild Ghost Chase floats into stores February 18, 2025! It's the biggest Agents of S.U.I.T. adventure yet, from and me! More info and preview pages available at:
I feel like a lot of modern Star Wars movies/shows have forgotten how important CRAZY SPACE MONSTERS are to the franchise.
Just got an email from the Honda dealership; they are having a Memorial Day sale just in case I want to buy a second car within the span of ten months
I bought sneakers online yesterday and the sneaker company is already emailing me ads for more sneakers. Dude I don't buy sneakers every day!