
Witnessing so much Lost discourse on my timeline because of its arrival on Netflix is throwing me for a loop. Lost absolutely could not have survived the scrutiny of the social media age. It would’ve crushed what was special about the show.
But Lost couldn‘t have existed for me without the huge podcast eco-system around it. And The Fuselage Forum, of course.
It was the first show I was ever on message boards about (mostly TWoP)
I would even argue to say that the backlash to how it ended represents how the whole show would have been treated had the whole thing existed in the age of social media. It ended its run in the beginnings of current social media.
I remember being on the forums for that show decoding shit and playing frame detective and then they went and just kept making the show dumber and dumber haha
Lost today would have been a reddit episode discussion thread each week with 20 replies. Even discussion for "hot" shows these days is slim.
Show still rules. But it was improved when they went to slightly shorter seasons in after season 3z.
Never before and never again will a show be so perfectly calibrated to be watched one episode at a time with a week between
Lost ruined bc of woke (bc it was all a dream or something idk it’s been over a decade since i watched it)
It was fun to talk about the later seasons on early twitter though
I think about that with Twin Peaks as well.
But Twin Peaks: The Return released in 2017, arguably during peak social media, and that didn't seem to really hurt it at all. If anything it was great seeing stuff pop up like "logposting" facebook groups that had as much fun seriously dissecting it as making shitposts.
Twin Peaks was a cold dropped mid season network show that became a sensation and alienated its viewers once they realized the show wasn’t interested in solving the central media, to the point the network made them solve it. 90% of the return’s audience was in the bag already
The Return also wasn’t interested in solving its mysteries most of the time but when it ended without a huge resolution my attitude was along the lines of “ah, but that’s twin peaks”
I'm not saying I'm still mad that "Debris" didn't make season 2 because the discourse was "The leads don't fancy each other enough"