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Game developer working on Macabre2D and Cosmic Jam

Disabled via autoimmune disease
Standing is painful, sitting is painful, laying is painful - life is pain. Would not recommend being born with inflammatory diseases.
I really like the new battle system in Trails Through Daybreak. I like that links aren't set before battle and are instead a proximity thing during battle. Also, they let you do Ys-ish combat (not turn based) against common monsters and it speeds things up.
okay well since apparently NO ONE was on board with the baby hitler thing I'll start taking apart this time machine I've been building
Would be funny to have a candidate that acknowledges how fuckin weird everything has gotten
Someday I'll grow out of "tweaking my engine for fun" and grow into "releasing a video game"
northern exposure is so much better than I expected
Reposted byAvatar macabrett
It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
all the stuff I have to work on for my game is hard stuff that I don't wanna do this is bullshit
Everyone is allowed to have exactly ONE jrpg series that they're excessively into
So the new Trails game is out and the new series protagonist is voiced by the same voice actor as Laios in Dungeon Meshi. They fucking got me. I'm all in.
"...the over-work of some becomes the preliminary condition for the idleness of others, and that modern industry, which hunts after new consumers over the whole world, forces the consumption of the masses at home down to a starvation minimum, and in doing thus destroys its own home market." - Engels
Posts like this are why I'm a big fan of bandcamp's editorial staff: I'm constantly discovering music from scenes I would never be exposed to otherwise.
Philadelphia DIY Keeps it Great (and Gritty) You've heard of Spirit of the Beehive, Mannequin Pussy, etc. Now listen to these bands.
I'm sorry, I can't understand a word of what you're saying. I'm too busy listening to the new COUCH SLUTS and PISSED JEANS records.
New Trails game this week and I'm excited
everyone is being so harsh on Biden but he has four whole months to replace both his brain and his body, which are both currently falling apart
telling my wife she needs to tell me "good job, you answered all the questions!" after every work meeting I have
Northern Exposure is a Statdew Valley TV show
Oh no I think I'm a mumblecore guy
ngl you kinda can't call someone a whiner w/o sounding like a whiner
Bobby Sox is probably the best song Green Day has put out in 20 years, but I don't really like the album Saviors. I would have cut at least a third of the songs on that album.
Reposted byAvatar macabrett
It cannot be stated enough how damaging it is for liberals to explain and condescend to young leftists watching their planet burn how they are wrong.
Based on the way people are talking, I don't think I'm good enough to play through Shadow of the Erdtree. I was having a not-great-time by the end of Elden Ring and the thought of things getting harder is... not appealing.
A lot of times I'll set up something complicated like my NAS or even something simple like a website with an email and I never write down what I did so I just live with whatever configuration I made out of fear.
"Amber is the color of your energy" is a really interesting song about the etymology of the word "electricity", which comes from the Greek word for amber.
Reposted byAvatar macabrett
Kitsune Tails has a release date! As just announced on Wholesome Direct, our Mario-like featuring queer fox girls will be coming to Steam and itch on August 1st, 2024! Wishlist or try the demo now on Steam at or find more info at
Watching University Challenge and one of the answers was "shoegaze".
I highly recommend this demo. It's a lot of fun and the game is full of charm. Can't wait for the full release!
Kitsune Tail's Steam Next Fest demo is live! Get it at and experience a taste of the SMB3 flavored queer furry love triangle We've verified it works on Steam Deck, too! And there's a new trailer, showing off some of the bosses:
Kitsune Tails on Run, jump, and dash across a land inspired by Japanese mythology and explore the complicated relationships between kitsune and humans in this follow up to Super Bernie World.
I really hope the world embraces Far UV technology at some point. It's the thing that gives me the most hope against respiratory infections like covid. The effectiveness of them in studies is astounding. We could do to airborne illness what we've done to waterborne illness.