Patti is back to regular summer programming

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Patti is back to regular summer programming

minneapolitan/foul-mouthed hooligan/leave me alone i’m trying to read
Cursed to think Born in the USA is Party in the USA
If I am working from the cabin I should be able to have a lunch beer, as a treat.
I was supposed to pick my SIL up from the airport after work to head to the cabin together but 🎶guess who forgot she booked a flight out of Cincy and showed up at the airport in Columbus🎶
I’ve spent a small fortune on cat toys since we got the kittens in December but it really does make Patti Logic that their hands down favorite thing to play with is wine corks.
thanks to the rain am now at the Keith Haring exhibit where I belong (inside)
My husband is making me go to a jazz festival :(
My husband is making me go to a jazz festival :(
I have an extremely soft spot for Gung Ho.
without saying beetlejuice, fav michael keaton film?
When it gets to a certain temperature we just eat Nancy’s Chopped Salad like twice a week until it lets up a bit.
My in-laws’ fancy antique dining table and chairs is now in my house and looks like it was born to be there. Good bye, chairs from an alley and Ikea table that we had to screw back together after someone sat on it at a party my kids threw when we were out of town.
So is this Glen Powell chap whom we now have because Armie Hammer eats people?
just sitting here not being anxious at all that checkout is in 36 minutes and i’m the only one fully packed
yesterday’s turtle
Went snorkeling but my mask had issues so i just swam out until I saw a turtle and turned around and swam back.
Went snorkeling but my mask had issues so i just swam out until I saw a turtle and turned around and swam back.
i’ll be right here reading for the rest of the week if you need me
finally got here and now I’m in my element (arguing about what to have for dinner)!
at another airport gate but this time with a high potential for actually ending up in Providenciales. my new hat may fulfill it’s potential before the day is through!
the new hat in question. it’s giving haute amish.
at another airport gate but this time with a high potential for actually ending up in Providenciales. my new hat may fulfill it’s potential before the day is through!
at another airport gate but this time with a high potential for actually ending up in Providenciales. my new hat may fulfill it’s potential before the day is through!
spending a night’s layover in a hotel in a surprise city we didn’t mean to travel to—without the kids because via a series of events they ended up getting to continue to our destination. what a weird day.
Had to doublecheck that this plane isn’t named the Embraer John B because this trip continues to go awry. orig flight cancelled, rescheduled flight delayed and now diverted due to a storm.
Had to doublecheck that this plane isn’t named the Embraer John B because this trip continues to go awry. orig flight cancelled, rescheduled flight delayed and now diverted due to a storm.
my travel day is going 🎶poorly🎶
i have to get up at 4am to go to the airport tomorrow and i could not be more awake.
My uncle Skip keeps me up to date on the news
my MIL loves to think basketball players are feeling emotions like remorse over fouls in the fucking NBA conference finals.
Even my esthetician is on the Bring Ya Ass bandwagon during NBA playoffs. Minnesota gets so little but gives so much when we do (in this case, discounts on Botox).
It’s raining so hard that I’m trying to decide how much I think the 19yo would demand if I offered to pay her to take the garbage bin to the curb tonight.
How did I not know until now that the actor who plays Prudence Featherington is like, the most perfect British nepo baby on earth?