
Biden and the Dems will never popularism themselves out of the border bind because MAGA is *right* about Democrats and open borders. Time to stop cringing from this and embrace it. Freedom of movement embodies our deepest values of liberty, democracy, equality, diversity, and justice. #OpenBorders
Every value Democrats hold dear points straight toward freedom of movement. I have written this as an #OpenBordersDemocrat. If you agree, consider sharing and endorsing likewise. Immigrants will never be free until they have faithful friends and defenders in the Democratic Party.
Democracy Demands Open Every immigrant is a vote for America. Every deportation is a vote against America.
Democracy Demands Open Every immigrant is a vote for America. Every deportation is a vote against America.
Migration *is* freedom. It is life-shaping agency. Migration is choice, self-determination, and self-authorship. Our greatest images of freedom involve flight or overcoming barriers, from Exodus and the Underground Railroad to demolishing the Berlin Wall.
The very idea of democracy, that each individual should have a say in the laws and institutions presiding over them, is violated by borders that trap & silence people. But every immigrant has already voted in a profound way—with their feet—in favor of their chosen home. Immigrants embody democracy.
Closed borders are racist. It is MAGA-minded bullshit to pretend it doesn't matter that our immigration policy has since the Chinese Exclusion Act been used to exclude Black and brown immigrants in furtherance of white dominance. #OpenBordersDemocrats
We Democrats like to talk a lot about the wonders of diversity. And rightly so! But then when it comes to immigration, we too often cower and crouch under MAGA-framed "border security" bullying. Immigration is how we get the diversity we all love! #OpenBorders
Open borders is a grand American tradition! Emma Lazarus wrote the Founding scripture to guide our civic faith with the New Colossus. Dave Eggers shows us in Her Right Foot that the Mother of Exiles still moves. We must act. Open the borders. Free them all.