
It occurs to me that the Supreme Idiots have actually created a Presidency more powerful than the British King at the time of the founding. Charles I got executed for official acts for which the U.S. President is now immune.
Since the Union of the Crowns we have killed one unsuitable monarch, sacked two (three if you count Richard Cromwell), euthanised one, sidelined one, packed one off to Hanover and replaced him with a probable bastard, and passed over the legitimate claims of 50+ more.
Are we living in modern times? Sure seems like we are not sometimes.
Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?
But he was executed by people with the ideology of our current right wing. the moral as always, charles II should’ve eradicated the puritans & they should’ve sunk the mayflower as it left port
i... do not think that is entirely accurate. the ideological conflict between the roundheads and the cavaliers is so far removed from our current politics, it's not really fair to say that one or the other was "left wing" and the other was "right" in modern terms