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Disgusted by most people & things

@onebadneighbro in the old country
I’ll have to see it to believe anything but if the khive emerges atop the post-2016 dems mountain of skulls at the last, that may be the most inexplicable outcome that was possible
Still coming to terms with not voting for hillary in 2016 & thus my role in the days of putting all these presidents in jail for their various crimes being over 😞
It’s a shame we won’t get much if any more shared scenes with emma d’arcy & olivia cooke, they are both incredible & are electric together
Reposted byAvatar DG
You can't say "there should be less regulation of driving automation technology" and then simply not even mention that Tesla has literally killed people in the name of a blatant fraud that has made Elon Musk one of the richest men alive. I mean you can, but nobody should take you seriously if you do
They call jesus the greatest story ever told, but cmon it’s definitely hitler. just the infinitesimal confluence & sequence of events for that shit to happen & at the scale it did, no one’s beating that
I had a dream biden stepped down at the convention & they announced they had a new nominee & paul ryan came out on stage & you know what, the only reason the democrats wouldn’t irl is bc he’d say no
Lol sure the % of voters who believe biden can cognitively do the job dropping 8 points after the debate to 27% is bad but maybe we shouldn’t have been hand-waving that the starting point was ***35*** goddamn percent..?
Any day without making a new mortal enemy is a day wasted
Ok this election still sucks ass but the pod save assholes getting shepherds hooked all the way to under the bus by their own idols is 🤌
Finally lost cybertruck tag & saw one in the wild & i know everyone says this but it cannot be overstated that buddy it looks like shit lol
For a party so beholden to harry potter allegories i haven’t seen one DNC operative propose the barty crouch jr. azkaban swap with joe & hunter biden, like come on you guys are y’all even trying
If it’s any consolation to biden at least his one 4-year term has felt like fucking 8
Thought about how if andrew cuomo didn’t get me too’d they’d be gleefully jamming him in there right now if not before & i physically shuddered
Reposted byAvatar DG
One irrational thing i have anxiety about is what my last thoughts will be when i die & if it’ll be some dumb movie or political gaffe thing or like “shit i never learned wtf water towers do”
Instagram still really trying to make threads happen lol
Despite the cliche i’ve never heard anyone who says “potato” the other way
Reposted byAvatar DG
if you want to destroy my cybertruckkk mist it lightly as i drive awayyyy
Elon musk hits on women the way he does bc a.) he’s the exact same sex criminal creep as his father, b.) he’s the world’s most insecure man, AND c.) he’s unaware nerd culture was a thing over a decade ago only bc the big bang theory was popular, which all got very old very fast bc it was super lame
Blood & cheese living the proletariat dream
Hunter will be ok, he definitely believes he deserves jail for who he is & the life he’s lived, he’ll find peace & reflection on the inside. 50/50 he converts to islam but 100% he’ll at least read the quran
Biden letting his only surviving son get hemmed up for nondescript election reasons is the cold-blooded machination that’s the last lingering thing in his remaining animal brain
Checking in on the gw bush rehabilitation tour
Having a neck should qualify for permanent disability ⚡️👤⚡️
I am in favor of a tesla phone bc it would allow you to identify douchebags without having to see what kind of car they drive
I need tim cook to announce apple is going to get into FSD software 🙏
Oh y’all ain’t known already for 20 years that alito was the worst one? keep yearning for bush/reagan style sensible republicans though 🤔
Looking forward to AI making all this stupid bullshit unusable within the next year
Chasing immortality so i can spend all my free time sleeping
The coolest ppl of all time imo were the flagellants